The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Sunday Sermon 11-22-2015 People Worth Knowing: Paul
22/11/2015 Duration: 21minActs 28: 23-24, 28-31
Sunday Sermon 10-18-2015 People Worth Knowing: King David
18/10/2015 Duration: 22min1 Chronicles 29: 1-6, 9-13
Sunday Sermon 09-27-2015 It's a Gospel-Hungry World: Repent?
27/09/2015 Duration: 20minMark 2: 13-17
Sunday Sermon 09-20-2015 It's a Gospel-Hungry World: Recognition?
20/09/2015 Duration: 21minMark 1: 40-45
Sunday Sermon 09-06-2015 It's a Gospel-Hungry World: Ready?
06/09/2015 Duration: 20minGenesis 18:1-15