The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Sunday Sermon 12-28-2014 Having the Eyes to See the Divine within the Ordinary
28/12/2014 Duration: 17minLuke 2: 21-39
Sunday Sermon 12-07-2014 I Believe Even When I Can't Feel It
07/12/2014 Duration: 15minMatthew 1: 18-23
Sunday Sermon 11-30-2014 I Believe Even When the Sun Is Not Shining
30/11/2014 Duration: 18minLuke 1: 26-38
Sunday Sermon 10-26-2014 Blessing as We Have Been Blessed
26/10/2014 Duration: 24minMatthew 3: 13-17
Sunday Sermon 10-19-2014 Loving Generously: Joining Jesus at the Margins
19/10/2014 Duration: 19minJohn 11: 1-7, 30-44