Message form the Harvest Evangelical Free Church in Goodland Ks. You can visit us at and follow us in Instagram @HarvestEFree and Facebook @harvestefreechurch to stay up to date on everything happening at Harvest e free.
Building People
19/05/2019 Duration: 39minBuilding People May 19, 2019 1. God has a _____: We are _____ _____ ( 1 cor. 3:1-9, Eph 2:19-22, 1 cor 3:10-15) 2. God has a method: _____ _____ His method. ( rom 10: 13-17, Eph 4: 11-16) 3. God is looking for _____ _____ _______ People to BE His _____. ( 2 Tim 2:1-2) 4. People are _____ to ____ upon people to _____ on the _______. People need the Lord. 5. There is something in God's plan that _____ _____ _____ _____.
Queen Bee
12/05/2019 Duration: 26min1. A godly woman exudes _________. 2. A godly woman ____________ the tide of evil (1-4). 3. A godly woman _______________ her relationship with God (6). 4. A godly woman is _______________ (6-7). 5. A godly woman is a ____________ (9). 6. A godly woman is _______________ (9,14)
God. What do you want me to do?
05/05/2019 Duration: 21minGod. What do you want me to do? Will of God Series; Message #3 Romans 12:9-13 God’s will = ________ God's instruction regarding prayer = ____________ Here is what non-devoted prayers look like. Devoted prayer changes _______________.
Gone Fishing!
22/04/2019 Duration: 25minGone Fishing Easter 2019 John 21 1: 14 Lesson 1: Without a ___________ greater than yourself, you will revert back to your ____________. Lesson 2 : Christ brings ____________ to your life.
God's will for me regarding my church
14/04/2019 Duration: 28minGod’s will for you regarding your Church is _____________. 1. Serve _________ (3a). 2. Serves ____________ (3b). 3. Serves ________________ (4 - 5). 4. Serve ______________ (6 - 8).
God's Will for Me
07/04/2019 Duration: 29minGod’s Will for Me Will of God Series; Message #1 Romans 12 1-2 Mandate — Be a __________________. Motivation — God’s _________. Method — Do not conform, but be _______________. My response — Change my ____________.
Looking Forward to that Day
18/03/2019 Duration: 35minThis is the final message in this series Looking forward to that Day 2 peter Series; Message #9 2 Peter 3: 14-18 Are you packed and ready for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? As you prepare for Jesus’ second coming, pack these essential behaviors in your suitcase. 1. Anticipation (14) 2. ___________ (14) 3. Peace ( 14) 4. _____________(15) 5. ____________________ (17) 6. Spiritual Growth (18) 7. ______________ (18)
I Believe in Global Burning
11/03/2019 Duration: 27minI. God’s timing regarding the end. (10) A. The end is ________________ certain. B. The end will be ____________. C. There will be no _________ chances. II. What the end looks like. ( 10b & 12) III. How we should behave in the Last Days. A. You are to live a ___________ life. B. You are to live a ___________ life. C. You are to look forward to God’s return. D. You are to __________ Jesus’ coming. 1. proclaim the ____________. 2. ___________
Is God on time or late?
25/02/2019 Duration: 26min“Is God late or on time?” 2 Peter Series; Message #7 2 Peter 3:8-9 God’s time table is different than _____________ timetable. (8) God’s perceived slowness is really God’s _______________. (9) God is patient so that people will ______________. (9) God is patient so that people will not be ______________. (9)
There was a first; there will also be a second
24/02/2019 Duration: 32minThere was a first; there will also be a second 2 Peter Series; Message #6 2 Peter 3:1-7 1. Peter’s aim (1-2). a Wholesome thinking about the _________________. b. Wholesome thinking about _____________. c. Wholesome thinking about _______________. d. Wholesome thinking about Jesus’ ____________ 2. Peter’s challenge (3-4). a. False ___________ b. False __________. 3.Peter’s response (5-7). a. __ _____ is coming. b. _________is coming.
Peter, tell us how you really feel.
10/02/2019 Duration: 34minThey’re Here—False Teachers 2 Peter Series; Message #5 2 Peter 2: 2-22 Peter, tell us how you really feel about false teachers. 1. Here is what I think about there character. They’re____ They’re Bold (10) They’re ________.(10) They lack sense, (12) They’re _________. (12) They are creatures of instinct. They have no __________. (13) They’re blots. (13) They’re _____________. (13) They’re Adulterers. (14) They have no _________. (14) They’re springs without water. (17) They’re big talkers. (18) They’re slaves to depravity. (19) They're _______ who eat their vomit. (22) They’re pigs wallowing in mud. (22) 2. Here is what I know about there destination. They're condemnation is coming. (3) They're ___________ is certain. (3) They will face judgment. (9) They will be caught and destroyed. (12) They will _________. (12) Paybacks are on their way. (13) Blackest darkness is reserved for them. (17)
Thery're Here -- False Teachers #4
04/02/2019 Duration: 28min2 Peter 2: 1-3 Some biblical facts about false teachers: 1. They_______ introduce lies (1). 2. They deny the __________ of Christ’s death (1). 3. They have __________(2). 4. They act _________ (2). 5. They are _________(3). 6. They treat people as ________(3). 7. They make up stories. (3) 8. They teach __________ (19).
It's not speculation, it is fact.
28/01/2019 Duration: 25minWe are finishing chapter 1 in 2 Peter with verse 12-21.
Is the Box all I need?
20/01/2019 Duration: 34min“Is the box all I need?” 2 Peter Series; Message #2 2 Peter 1:3-11 If Salvation is completely an act of God, what role do I play in my spiritual life? Wholesome thinking about your spiritual life responsibilities: Verse 5 - Verse 8 - Verse 10 - B. Make every effort to add to your faith: 1. Goodness = 2. Knowledge = 3. Self-control = 4. Perseverance = 5. Godliness = 6. Brotherly kindness = 7. Love =
Open the Package! Don't survive, thrive.
14/01/2019 Duration: 36minMessage 1 2 Peter 1:1-4 1 A knowledge of the ______. (1-2) 2. A knowledge of the _____. (3) 3. A knowledge of the _____. (4) 4. A knowledge of the _____. (4a) 5. A knowledge of the _____. (4b) 6.A knowledge of the ______. (4c)
Wisdom for 2019
30/12/2018 Duration: 26minProverbs 3:1-12 1. I pledge to pursue _____ and _____. (3-4). 2. I pledge to trust God instead of _____. (5-6). 3. I pledge to _____________ evil (7-8). 4. I pledge to be ______________ (9-10). 5. I pledge to see _________ differently (11-12).