Harvest E Free Church Goodland Ks

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 77:39:10
  • More information



Message form the Harvest Evangelical Free Church in Goodland Ks. You can visit us at harvestefreegoodland.com and follow us in Instagram @HarvestEFree and Facebook @harvestefreechurch to stay up to date on everything happening at Harvest e free.


  • “Sola Scriptura”

    08/03/2020 Duration: 53min

    “Sola Scriptura” Genesis 1:1-Revelations 22-21

  • Groaning for Glory

    02/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    Groaning for Glory Romans Series: Message #17 Romans 8:18-27 1. Creation groans ( 19-22). A. Creation is in a state of __________ (20). B. Creation is in a state of __________ (21) . C. Creation will be __________. 2. Believers groan ( 23-25). A. Believers groan because they are stuck in a ________ (23). B. The believer’s body will one day be changed. 3. The Spirit groans (26-27). A. The Spirit helps the believer in times of ________( 26). B. The Spirit __________ on behalf of the believer( 27).

  • No Condemnation….I’m innocent

    23/02/2020 Duration: 31min

    No Condemnation….I’m innocent Romans Series: Message #16 Romans 8:1-17 1. Personal relief – No condemnation A. _____ can’t save (2-3). B. ________can save (3-4). 2. Signs of imprisonment A. Live in the _______ (5). B. Spiritually dead (6). C.__________ toward God (7). D. Pleasing oneself (8). 3. True Freedom A. Sprite lives in you (9). B. The Sprite gives you life (10). C. The Sprite empowers you (11) . 4. Personal responsibility A. Put to death ___________ (13). B. Be lead by the Sprite (14). C. You are ________ by Christ (15-16). D. You have the right and privileges (17).

  • Mr. Hyde has entered the building

    16/02/2020 Duration: 24min

    "Mr. Hyde has entered the building” Romans Series; Message 15 Romans 7:14-25 Why this battle with my sinful nature? To reveal the _________________ of my sinful nature. To help me ____________ my sinfulness. To show my need for a _________. To acknowledge my ____________ on God. To ___________me to the image of God. To __________ Christ in my life.

  • Salt and Light

    11/02/2020 Duration: 21min

    Salt and Light Matthew 5: 13-16 You are …. (13 &14). You are ________(13). You are __________ (14-16).

  • The Law’s good points

    02/02/2020 Duration: 25min

    1. The law _______ sin (7). 2. The law ___________ the conscience (8) 3. The law reveals the ________of the sinner (9-11). 4. The law reveal the __________ of the sinner (9-11).

  • Dead to the law

    26/01/2020 Duration: 42min
  • Living Dead

    24/01/2020 Duration: 24min
  • You’re not the boss of me!

    12/01/2020 Duration: 33min

    You’re not the boss of me! Romans Series; Message #11 Romans 6:1-14 You, the ______________ (1). Your ______________ truth (2). Your positional truth ______________(3-10). Your positional truth _____________ (11-14). A. B. C.

  • The gift that no one seeks

    05/01/2020 Duration: 25min

    The gift that no one seeks Romans Series; Message #10 Romans 5:12-21 1. The gift of ____ ...Thanks Adam ( 12-14). Became of Adam’s disobedience we received; A. A ______ nature (12) B. Death (12) 2. The gift of ______ … Thank you Jesus (15-21). Because of Jesus’ obedience we receive: A. Grace (15) B. Life (18 ,21) 1. ________________(16) 2. ________________ (17)

  • Christmas Eve Service

    24/12/2019 Duration: 18min
  • Christmas Paranoia

    22/12/2019 Duration: 35min

    Christmas Paranoia Advent Series; Scandalous #4 Matthew 2: 1-20 1. The ______ of paranoia (1-2) 2. The ______ of paranoia (3-6) 3. The ________ of paranoia (7-12) 4. The _________ of paranoia (13-18) 5. The __________ of paranoia (19-20)

  • Jim Baird's Service.

    20/12/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    This is the funural service of Jim Baird

  • Scandalous Reconciliation

    15/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    Joseph's character

  • The Scandalous Birth

    08/12/2019 Duration: 34min
  • Jesus’ Scandalous lineage

    01/12/2019 Duration: 34min

    1. Faith takes _______ (4-7) 2. Some ________, some _______ the truth (8-11) 3. Obedience brings __________ (17-20) 4. No better time than the present to ________ your salvation (21) 5. Sin does not _________ who you are ( Hebrews 11:31) 6. Faith puts you in the ________of Christ ( Mt.1:5)

  • The Gifts of Faith

    24/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    The Gifts of Faith Romans Series; Message #9 Romans 5:1-11 When you exercise faith in Jesus Christ, you get a lot in return. You get: 1. Peace with God (1) 2. Justification (1). 3. Access to God (2) 4. Hope (4). 5. The Holy Sprit (5). 6. God’s love. (8)

  • What is Faith?

    17/11/2019 Duration: 27min

    What is Faith? Romans Series; Message #8 Romans 4: 16-25 1. Faith defined 2. Faith illustrated

  • A Paradigm Shift

    03/11/2019 Duration: 26min

    A Paradigm Shift Romans Series; message #6 Romans 3:21- 31 God made a new way! 1. A new way to be _________ with god. (21-22) 2. A new way available by _______ ( 22,26,27). 3. A new way that is available to ____ ( 23, 30). 4. A new way that excludes ________ (27-30). 5. A new way that compels ____________ (31).

  • Total Wipeout

    27/10/2019 Duration: 25min

    1. Once final objection (1-8) A. What good is it to be a Jew ( 1-2)? B. Does sin ______ out my salvation (3-4)? C. Why not sin so that God’s grace will ___________ ( 5-8)? 2. One final indictment (9-20). A. God’s __________ indictment (9). B. God’s ___________ indictment ( 10-18). C. God’s _________ (19 - 20).

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