Weekly traditional sermons from Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church in Marietta, Georgia.
Christmastime | Part 4
23/12/2018 Duration: 29minIn our lives, there are events that we know we don't want to miss, sometimes not really knowing what will occur during that event. The Magi, or the Wise Men, knew that following the star would lead them to an event they didn't want to miss. Is there something in your life that's holding you back from missing the grace and miracle of Jesus?
Christmastime | Part 3
16/12/2018 Duration: 24minTo be courageous in difficult times, we must be faithful to scripture and obedient to the Word even if it costs us.
Christmastime | Part 2
09/12/2018 Duration: 28minIn the busyness of the season, remember to pause and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Slow down, embrace, and celebrate.
18/11/2018 Duration: 25minTo be truly thankful people, we must recognize the blessings around us. Gratitude is the attitude that helps us endure all things. It costs so little, yet is worth so much.
Had I Known | Part 5
07/10/2018 Duration: 31minWhen someone criticizes us, our instinct is to respond negatively to their criticism. What if, instead, we learned to speak words filled with grace and understanding? Through the strength we have in Christ, we must learn to put aside our hurt and focus on loving others more than being right. In doing that, we can begin to recognize the value every person has in Jesus Christ.
Had I Known | Part 4
30/09/2018 Duration: 31minAs Christians, we are called to rise above in order to show others a more excellent way in Christ. This means that we must understand the power of our words, both to help and to harm. We also have to understand the power of relationship and the importance of not simply withdrawing when things get challenging.
Had I Known | Part 3
23/09/2018 Duration: 27minPrayer teaches us that we need God; forgiveness shows that we trust God to take up our cause. When we walk through the door of forgiveness, Jesus will meet us and transform us.
Had I Known | Part 1
09/09/2018 Duration: 26minKnowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Most of us have a hard time gaining awareness of the reality of our past. In this first installment of our "Had I Known" series, Dr. Jody Ray shares how no matter what our past holds, God is for us. The grace of God meets us always. He accepts us just as we are and leads us to wholeness.
Who's Your One? | Part 4
26/08/2018 Duration: 31minIn this fourth and final sermon in our "Who's Your One?" series, Dr. Jody Ray shares how God can use each of us for His purpose through our obedience. When He inspires us, He will empower us.
Who's Your One? | Part 3
19/08/2018 Duration: 26minIn week three of our "Who's Your One?" series, Pastor Jonathan Lawson urges us to think about the lives we encounter on a daily basis and how we can point those persons toward Christ through our words and our actions.
Who's Your One? | Part 2
12/08/2018 Duration: 27minDr. Jody Ray takes us further into our "Who's Your One?" series, sharing that active and living faith is more than just a set of beliefs. Faith is something that is put into action. When God nudges, we have to be willing to respond. Sometimes that means leaning into a place outside of our comfort zone. Sometimes it means taking a step in a new direction - into a God venture.
Who's Your One? | Part 1
05/08/2018 Duration: 31minHow can we do evangelism “Jesus-style”--that is, relationally and naturally as we go about our daily lives? According to Pastor Jody Ray, all we have to do is be willing to respond when God nudges us, and pass it on as we nudge them a little bit closer to Christ.
You Asked For It | Part 4
29/07/2018 Duration: 29minDoes God speak today as He did throughout the Bible? In this fourth message in our "You Asked For It" sermon series, examine the often asked question regarding how we can hear God's voice in our lives.