Weekly traditional sermons from Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church in Marietta, Georgia.
You Asked For It | Part 3
22/07/2018 Duration: 31minCan't we just make our own decisions about what's right and wrong in life? In the third sermon of our "You Asked For It" series, examine the question of why we NEED Jesus in our lives.
You Asked For It | Part 2
15/07/2018 Duration: 29minTrue love loves regardless. In week two of our "You Asked for It" series, explore the question of how we can love others regardless of what's going on in our lives or theirs.
You Asked For It | Part 1
08/07/2018 Duration: 32minIn the "You Asked For It" sermon series, we are taking a look at your most pressing questions. Explore the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?"
Ghost | Part 4
24/06/2018 Duration: 36minEveryone can receive a spiritual gift. But a gift is not fully received until it is used for its intended purpose. Listen as we explores the spiritual gifts, where they come from, and what they're intended for.
Ghost | Part 3
17/06/2018 Duration: 27minScripture reminds us to live wisely and be filled with the Holy Spirit. But when the unexplainable happens in the church, we are skeptical. When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, the unexplainable happened: they spoke in languages that were not their own. Listen as we share how being spirit filled leads to wise living.
Ghost | Part 2
10/06/2018 Duration: 29minWithout the power of the Holy Spirit, we can't accomplish what living a Christian life requires of us. Tap into that power and realize all that it holds for us.
My Self | Part 6
13/05/2018 Duration: 26minHave you ever thought about why we judge others so readily? Listen as we teach the power of lifting others up instead of judging.
My Self | Part 5
06/05/2018 Duration: 26minWhat do you worry about? Your children? Your spouse? Your career? Your grades? Your health? Worry is a product of focusing on that which we do not have, and it harms us. Worry brings stress. However, Jesus tells us not to worry about life. Is that really possible? And if we aren’t to supposed to worry what are we supposed to do? Listen as we share the best way to live a worry-free life.
My Self | Part 4
29/04/2018 Duration: 27minWho do you think about the most? If we are honest with ourselves many of us would say we think about ourselves the most. When we are the focus of everything then we cannot be who God wants us to be. When we work for our glory what we leave behind us is hurt and pain. Listen as we share why motive is more important than action.
My Self | Part 3
22/04/2018 Duration: 32minHow do you answer this question, “Honey, does this make me look fat?” We often dread this question. We are told lying is bad, but we also don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. So, is all lying wrong? What about little white lies? It seems in order to make it through life some lies are necessary. But what if there was an alternative? Listen as we share thoughts on lying and how a lie free life is a life lived free.
My Self | Part 2
15/04/2018 Duration: 27minHow do you fill the voids in your life? Are you satisfied with the person God has created you to be, or do you covet what others have? In this second week of the My Self series, listen as we are reminded that through God we have already overcome the world and all its temptations.
My Self | Part 1
08/04/2018 Duration: 28minDo you struggle with anger? Where does that anger come from? Listen as we explore some of the root causes of anger and how to overcome it by seeking a sense of justice that is not self-focused, but is motivated by the love of God.
Palm Sunday
25/03/2018 Duration: 29minPalm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week when Jesus entered Jerusalem as Savior and King.
Is God...? | Part 5
18/03/2018 Duration: 25minSo many times as Christians, we want to walk in victory, but we get stuck in patterns of sin that keep us from reaching the life we want. It’s easy to get sucked back into our old bad habits. We’ve been saved by grace, so we don’t have to be controlled by sin. But after we are saved, often we forget that we still need more grace. What does Pastor Jody Ray says about what it really takes to transform our lives?
Is God...? | Part 4
11/03/2018 Duration: 13minWhen you picture God, what do you see? We all have a mental image of who we think God is. But we need a vision of God as He is described in the bible, not an image of God we created in our minds. Pastor Jody Ray explores the image of God from the bible in this week’s message: “Is God Holy?”
Is God...? | Part 3
04/03/2018 Duration: 29minGod’s heart of love toward undeserving sinners—both rebellious sinners and self-righteous sinners—is always good. Pastor Jody Ray describes the depth of God’s love in the third sermon of the “Is God…?” series.
Is God...? | Part 2
25/02/2018 Duration: 26minIn the second sermon in the “Is God…?” sermon series, Pastor Jody Ray answers a new question: Is God trustworthy?