A place for those of you who are curious about what makes a successful person successful? Youve asked that question a lot of times to yourself! I a, sure! Lets find out now!
Mindset Mastery with Luis Colasante
20/09/2019 Duration: 34minLuis LinkedIn: and website:
Start Up Marketing with Nithyakala Subramanian
18/09/2019 Duration: 32minHow to contact Nithyakala:
Conquering 2 social medias at once with Derick Mildreth
16/09/2019 Duration: 29minIn today’s audio masterclass , we are going to learn how to conquer 2 social medias and learn how to structure a proper strategy for it! Derick’s website: and LinkedIn:
What Garrain Jones taught me about mindset
14/09/2019 Duration: 01minThank you for teaching me these lessons Garrain, I can't express enough gratitude towards you and your team. Garrain’s Instagram:
Why following your passion SUCKS- with Jim Beach
14/09/2019 Duration: 25minEveryone’s saying, follow your passion but no ones says how but Jim Beach says that you shouldn't, we might have a little debate here but be sure to listen to that interview! Jim’s Website: and LinkedIn:
How to quit Bad Habits with David Vletas
10/09/2019 Duration: 25minDavid is one of the most growth mindset base guys I have ever met and in today’s episode,he will show us how to quit bad habit and change your belief system! David’s website: And LinkedIn:
The undying learning formula with Alessio Pieroni
09/09/2019 Duration: 42minAlessio is a passionate head of marketing at Mindvalley , but most importantly a voracious learner , so in today’s audio masterclass we are going to find out the exact formula you all need to learn anything!(it worked for me ;). ) Alessio LinkedIn: and website:
Podcasting for Business with Milette Jones
09/09/2019 Duration: 28minMillette is the right guy if you wanna grow your podcast or grow your business with podcasting, BUT if you are just a guy who wants to become extraordinary podcaster then this podcast will help you get started!: Millette’s website: , LinkedIn: and Facebook:
What is sucess? With Frederick Krasey
07/09/2019 Duration: 36minFrederick is a life coach,entrepreneur and a happypreneur for over decades, if you ever have a difficulty understanding success , Fred is the right guy to talk to. Fred’s contacts: LinkedIn: and email:
Follow your passion with Chinedu Ihekwoaba
04/09/2019 Duration: 36minHow to contact chin:
The Life outside Business with Mike Mumola
03/09/2019 Duration: 32minMike is a seasoned entrepreneur who knows how to run a business but most importantly he knows how-to chill while running one! You can learn a lot from this guy! His Instagram :
YouTube Marketing Masterclass with Digital Dhairya
02/09/2019 Duration: 29minIf you ever feel like that this masterclass was not enough knowledge to feed your hunger, you can always check Dhairya’s YT channel: or connect with him on LinkedIn:
Becoming A Sales Machine with Victor Antonio
01/09/2019 Duration: 33minYou may wonder, how you get good at sales, let alone becoming a machine in it. But that's why Victor Antonio is coming to the show and with his 20 years of experience you will learn how to sell like a pro!
The Teacher you Need with Titia Niehoster
29/08/2019 Duration: 25minTitia has a long career in leadership and team building but today we will talk about the interesting term “age is just a number” and what makes a good leader! Titia’s contacts/ email: LinkedIn:
Debunking the entrepreneurial myth with Jeff Van Kampen
28/08/2019 Duration: 32minJeff is a marketer with extraordinary understanding of the entrepreneurial myth and while we may not be the experts , me and Jeff has done all our best so we can give you the real entrepreneurial journey rather than the myth! Jeff’s LinkedIn: And Email:
Self Education with Gina Schreck
27/08/2019 Duration: 39minIn today’s audio masterclass, me and Gina are going to show you the exact ways and tools you will need in order to self teach and educated anything to yourself! Here’s Gina’s Blog and Website(I read the blog , duh it’s awesome ;). ) : And Her LinkedIn:
Helping Teens Get the Learning Curve with Daniel Blanchard
25/08/2019 Duration: 34minDaniel is a TV Host , Entrepreneur and wrestler but today’s masterclass will be dedicated to the younger part of my audience and if you are teenager and you have some kind of issues , you can listen to the interview or contact Daniel here: or
John Molyneux taught me a lesson that changed my way of thinking
24/08/2019 Duration: 02minJohn Is a LinkedIn expert , Martial Artist Of my favourite Art(Muay Thai) and even tho I wasn’t able to provide an interview here I share the biggest social media lesson he taught me! Here’s how you can connect with John: +447858597253 Email |
Innovative Mindset with Nick Van Breda
23/08/2019 Duration: 37minNick Van Breda is on a mission to empower over 1 Mil. Entrepreneurs and in today’s audio masterclass he is going to share with us how we can help that , how to realise our idea and Succeed as an inventor! Here’s Nick’s LinkedIn:
Self Publishing with Emeka Ossai
19/08/2019 Duration: 35minEmeka is an expert in self publishing , loving father and newborn entrepreneur, and in today’s audio mastermind we will show you exactly how you can scale your self publishing business, why you should start one right NOW and it’s benefits! Best way to connect with Emeka: