A place for those of you who are curious about what makes a successful person successful? Youve asked that question a lot of times to yourself! I a, sure! Lets find out now!
Business Family with Karin Hurt
16/08/2019 Duration: 36minKarin is a leader, philanthropist, award winning author and much much more things which this short description can’t fill but in today’s episode she showed us how we can do business even if we already have a family, how to write better and much more stuff which I will not spoil :) Karin’s LinkedIn:
Making a Unique Message With Bre Yamazaki
14/08/2019 Duration: 49minBre went from a confused college student to an Instagram expert just by following one strategy: networking + UNIQUE message and in today’s masterclass she is going to teach us how a ordinary person can create a unique message! Here’s how you can connect with Bre:
Being Creative with Derek Hurtado
12/08/2019 Duration: 34minBest way to reach Derek:
Own Your Awkward with Andy Vargo
11/08/2019 Duration: 28minAndy is a life coach , a game changer and definetly innovator! His Own Your Awkward method is helping me embrace what’s different with me and learn how to use it as my power and I am sure as hell you can learn how to own your awkward too! Andy’s Linkedin: And Podcast!:
The Art Of Being Happy with Suresh Devnani
09/08/2019 Duration: 29minSuresh is called the happy doctor by many , he’s given 3 TEDX talks and today he happily shares with us how we can be happy , how he rediscovered his happiness and how his guru found him! Suresh’s Linkedin: And website:
Be resilient and set goals with Julian Roberts
06/08/2019 Duration: 29minJulian is a leadership coach who helps leaders decide on what their purpose is and how to achieve it with the help of personal growth and in today’s episode he is teaching us the ways to set big but realistic goals! Julian’s LinkedIn: And my email:
Just TEST the thing with Emma Reids
05/08/2019 Duration: 31min(No intro for today’s episode )In today’s masterclass I am here with Emma Reid , a rising star in dropshipping , e-commerce and entrepreneurship, having started her first venture at the age of SIX! Emma shared with us her exact ingredients for success! Emma’s Instagram :
How to Pave your own Path with Jabirul Bora
03/08/2019 Duration: 30minNow my Network I don’t like spoilers so I won’t ruin your fun , but if you really want to Pave your path the right way , you will need to learn from those who did it so that’s why Jabirul is here today ready to share just that! But if you are not fed up enough with Jab and want to see more you can connect with him on his social medias: Instagram - @iamiabirul LinkedIn - iamjabirul Facebook - Jabirul Islam Bora Email -
Late Night Session with Brandon Johns
02/08/2019 Duration: 45minBrandon is a college student , entrepreneur and a podcaster who fascinated me with his way of thinking and most importantly advices for you my audience so if you want to grow up and have an amazing success , Brandon is the one to get you started! Brandon’s IG: Connect with him
Finding your big idea with Luke Burrows
31/07/2019 Duration: 34minLuke is a young entrepreneur and motivator who has dedicated his time to find the peak performance and passion in everyone and today my Network he will dive deep into how to find YOUR(Yes yours :). ) BIG Idea! Like’s LinkedIn :
Storytelling Pattern with Roger Brooks
29/07/2019 Duration: 34minA great interview podcast is all about finding that great story and in today’s episode Roger will dive deep into that topic and trust me , this dude invented these patterns , it was like audio masterclass! Roger’s LinkedIn:
Different way of Copywriting with Nick Usborne
27/07/2019 Duration: 40minNick has been a successful copywriter for decades and the whole blueprint of it , his strategies and tips are going to be shared on this podcast! Here’s Nick LinkedIn : And a small gift for our audience! :
Podcasting Blueprint with Carolyn Kiel
26/07/2019 Duration: 36minLet’s dive deep into the podcast side of things and See what Carolyn has as an advice for us on podcasting and learn how to start one TODAY! Here you can contact Carolyn and get in touch with her new ventures : and her podcast:
Nine ways to Live the Cloud Nine Lifestyle Win Jordan Gross
24/07/2019 Duration: 36minJordan has already given a TEDX speech , on a way to become a serial author , but the MAIN reason he went from ordinary to extraordinary was when he made his own LifeStyle! And let’s help you create your own Cloud Nine Lifestyle! Jordan’s Linkedin:
Awaking your Creative Beast With Marc Silber
23/07/2019 Duration: 46minMarc is a bestelling author, photographer and an entrepreneur with an incredible story which in today’s episode showed us what REALLY long process means but I am not taking anymore of your time and let’s see what Marc has for us! Marc’s Instagram: and his new book:
Reaching Peak Performance with Jordan Harry
22/07/2019 Duration: 31minJordan is a 22 years old Entrepreneur who since 10 years has been mastering the art of speed reading and memorising which helped him scale his TEDX Talk to Over 1M views and teach 10K people from over 150 countries! But today except MMA lessons , Jordan will show us how to reach Peak Performance in everything we do and a free course for anyone interested! Jordan’s IG : and LinkedIn:
A Book Strategy Mastermind with Kate Frank
21/07/2019 Duration: 46minKate is recognisable Book strategies and in this interview she is explaining in detailed DETAILS how to master your book ,find the dream readers and become bestseller! And here’s how you can Contact with Kate personally:
How to travel the world while keeping your job with Jordan Caroll
18/07/2019 Duration: 31minJordan is extraordinary Career coach ,and In this episode he is revealing his top secret on how YOU can travel the world while being an employee! Jordan’s LinkedIn :
Why IG stories are all you need to build your brand with the Sutto Twins
16/07/2019 Duration: 25minStephanie and Jennifer Sutto , have been building their brand TheGlitterTwins fully based on Instagram Stories , but that’s not it! They also happen to be personally mentored by John Shin which led us to talk about the real secrets for networking like a pro! Steph’s Instagram: Jenn’s Instagram: The Glitter Twins:
Why Not Being Accepted into My Dream School Benefited me
13/07/2019 Duration: 02minThat was a huge failure to me , but after I start thinking about it I see how much lessons I have learnt and now ... I just HAVE TO share them with you and I hope it will be beneficial for you my Network!