In this program available exclusively on audio, Stephen Covey expands on the principles set forth in his bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In The Power of the 7...
FIRST THINGS FIRST EVERY DAYBecause Where You're Headed is More Important Than How Fast You're GoingSTEVEN R. COVEYA. ROGER MERRILL AND REBECCA R. MERRILLA multiple-voice...
Written nearly a century ago and recently rediscovered by Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret Becoming rich is not a matter of environment or talents. Money and property come to...
Writing with profound psychological and spiritual insight, prize-winning author Gary Zukav has had a major impact on the consciousness of our entire generation. His number-one...
Business ethics and behavior expert Dov Seidman’s New York Times bestseller How: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything, is now available on audio in its new expanded...
“The most powerful spiritual healer, fixer, teacher on the planet.” —Oprah Winfrey The #1 national bestseller from the host of the show Iyanla: Fix My Life on...
Available only on MP3 CD! In the sixth title of the Soul Power Series, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Sha shares the essence of ancient teachings of Tao and reveals a new...
Procrastination. Disorganization. Distractibility. Millions of adults have long considered these the hallmarks of a lack of self-discipline. But for many, these and other problems...
For fans of TLC’s Long Island Medium and anyone interested in the big questions of life, death, and finding out what’s important in between, New York Times bestselling...
Here are the secrets from Stephen R. Covey and Jennifer Colosimo to getting and keeping the job you want. Do you have a good career, a mediocre career, or a great career? How do...