"Narrator Lorelei King turns in an another outstanding performance in the Stephanie Plum series, employing spot-on comedic timing and perfectly tuned character voices. Her...
Stephanie Plum, the beloved bounty hunter with attitude returns in this irresistible adventure from Janet Evanovich, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Dirty Thirty and...
As one of the “great joys of contemporary crime fiction” (GQ), the Stephanie Plum series follows the whip-smart and witty female bounty as she hunts down bad guys and...
FBI agent Kate O’Hare and charming criminal Nick Fox race against time to uncover a buried train filled with Nazi gold in this thrilling adventure from #1 New York Times...
Two for the Dough is irresistible fun and powerful suspense entertainment from an acclaimed author who is already a national star.It’s Stephanie Plum, New Jersey’s...
Two for the Dough is irresistible fun and powerful suspense entertainment from an acclaimed author who is already a national star.It’s Stephanie Plum, New Jersey’s...
She was the mysterious woman in the long black cloak. He was the sexy guy next door. They shared a common wall between their Capitol Hill townhouses and not much else ... until...
“[Evanovich] is funny and ceaselessly inventive."—Los Angeles Times Book Review“Do yourself a favor and read this one.”—Washington PostThe author of...
Buckle your seat belts. Number-one New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich is moving into the fast lane with Metro Girl, a thrilling, high-octane misadventure with high...
She's been called "side-splittingly funny" (Publishers Weekly), "a blast of fresh air" (Washington Post), and "a winner" (Glamour). She is, of course, Janet Evanovich, the...