All About Fishing
  • By Montgomery Miles
  • Publisher: Bibliomundi

It’s just you and the environment.Isn’t this the most primitive stage of them all? Man against nature in a battle measured by verifiable results. We see this in hunting, in...

Bass Fishing
  • By Montgomery Miles
  • Publisher: Bibliomundi

Whatever the reason you had for picking up these pages, to learn more about fishing, and game fishing, specifically with an all-time angling favorite embedded in the aptly titled:...

Fly Fishing
  • By Montgomery Miles
  • Publisher: Bibliomundi

Fly fishing is a very popular fishing sport that can be both relaxing and challenging at the same time.The following tips and tricks are ideal of beginners. When you’re just...

Pesca Do Robalo
  • By Montgomery Miles
  • Publisher: Bibliomundi

 O que estamos querendo pescar? O alvo: ROBALO! Seja qual for o motivo que você teve para escolher este e-book, seja aprender mais sobre pesca e pesca esportiva,...

Pesca Com Mosca
  • By Montgomery Miles
  • Publisher: Bibliomundi

A pesca com mosca é um esporte de pesca muito popular que pode ser relaxante e desafiador ao mesmo tempo.As dicas e truques a seguir são ideais para iniciantes. Quando você...