Becoming Like Jesus Is a JourneyGod wants to transform your thoughts and your actions so you will bear good fruit, impact the world, and experience joy in your life. But for this...
Think Like Jesus: Audio Bible Studies: What Do I Believe And Why Does It Matter?
What You Believe Drives EverythingGod desire is for you to think like Jesus so you can act like Jesus and ultimately be like Jesus. This process...
Act Like Jesus: Audio Bible Studies: How Can I Put My Faith Into Action?
Believe In Your Heart, Not Just In Your HeadThere is a difference between believing something and allowing those beliefs to shape your actions. To become like Jesus, your beliefs...
Making Room For Life: Trading Chaotic Lifestyles For Connected Relationships
What If You Could . . . •get all your work done by 6:00 p.m.?•eat dinner with your family every night?•form deep, satisfying relationships?•naturally blend the world of...
The Heart Of The Story: God’s Masterful Design To Restore His People
The Heart of the Story will help you understand God’s Word as never before. Randy Frazee shows how all the stories of the Bible fit together in one great, overarching epic....