Ally Loprete

No Shame Parenting



Real progress often starts with pandemonium. If you are tired of the gorilla chatter and constant arguments about who is to blame, I promise you, this is a discussion of which you'll want to be a part. The unfortunate loss of an innocent animal's life has caused a significant shift in a collective concern. If anything positive has come out of the traumatic incident at the Cincinnati Zoo, it's that we've opened up a dialogue for parents across the country who are tired of being blamed. Moms on every social site are admitting that they are relieved that this didn't happen to THEM and confessing to the shame and fear that taints their parenting abilities on a constant basis. We are finally standing up in unison and crying ... "We've Had Enough!" Parents are sick and tired of being attacked. No matter how we do it, it seems we are doing it wrong. It's no wonder we have lost faith in ourselves and hesitate every time we need to make a parenting decision. We are getting mixed messages. We are condemned for heli