Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686
Parenting Teaches us the Most About Ourselves
26/01/2017 Duration: 01h02sThis is a bonus show! An extra show recorded over a year ago that was never released on the live stream. It's a fantastic show with coaching for moms and dads who are looking to break out of unfulfilling lives and feel abundant again. My terrific studio team joins in to lift you up... and give you back a little better than how we found you!
Staying the Course ...with Surrender.
01/11/2016 Duration: 01h18sExciting News! Thank you for letting your voice be heard! We love knowing that you still have a desire to keep our weekly radio show going... and we are happy to announce that we have found a way! After 7 years, This Little Parent Stayed Home is heading back to a studio where we'll be able to continue bringing you quality content, progressive conversations and support in Parenting, Business and Self-Development... and... we'll once again be able to take callers! (more details at a later time...) Unless you LET GO, you won't be able to MOVE FORWARD. Possibly one of the greatest lessons I have learned during this demanding, mystifying and enlightening year is the power of SURRENDER. After thrashing about in a pool of struggle and becoming VERY CLOSE to drowning in my own insignificant efforts, the ultimate solution was revealed when I chose to forfeit my energy to the flow of the current. It wasn't long after I let go that the rewards began to surface. Dare I say... I've been almost OVERWHELMED with the flow
How to get others to support you... and your dreams.
25/10/2016 Duration: 01h04minWe simply cannot EXIST without having others in our life...but it ain't always easy! Studies in Psychology have shown that your personal relationships are most important when it comes to increasing your resilience, contributing to your happiness and keeping you mentally healthy. Get yourself some good quality relationships We may not get to "choose" our siblings, in-laws or children, but when it comes to choosing our friends and lovers, we all have a tendency to get stuck in familiar patterns that both serve us... and ... derail us. Improving the quality of your relationships can help you find what you need to lead a fulfilled life. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone in your life brought their best and left out their worst? You have the ability to transform every relationship you deal with in your life, and today we are going to show you how! On Today's Show... Joining us today is the fabulous Stacey Martino, Relationship Education Expert who teaches that it only takes ONE partner to transform any relationshi
Let's get you across that finish line!
18/10/2016 Duration: 01h05minNever in a million years did I expect this... While I am super ambitious, I'd been frustrated for years because it felt like my finish line kept getting moved. My dream of being a television talk show host was being dangled like a carrot in front of my nose, but always just out of my reach. I began to think my dream would never come true... So... I simply gave up. I was DONE. Tired of having hope, tired of working hard without results, tired of knocking on doors that never opened and tired of watching my life pass me by. I had no more joy in the journey... so I threw in the towel. AND THAT IS WHEN IT HAPPENED... Suddenly the creator/producer was calling me to book my flight for filming, contracts were signed and I was meeting my cast and crew... a group of people I had never met, but in the course of a mere weekend became like family to me. I had to pinch myself a few times to be sure it was REALLY HAPPENING! Often times the greatest rewards come only when we surrender. On Today's Show... I believe in yo
Parenting the Millennial Generation
04/10/2016 Duration: 01h18sEvery generation thinks that they have it all figured out. Why then, are our twenty something kids struggling to become adults? It's easy to generalize an entire population by their collective Facebook statuses, but Millennials, often accused of being narcissistic and entitled do have to face some issues that previous generations did not. Rates of depression are soaring among Millennials Contrary to what you might hear the media say, the biggest problem with the era of instant gratification is not that they think too highly of themselves, it's that they struggle to think for themselves. A college degree is now the career equivalent of what a high school degree used to be, so the pressure on kids has been increased and this has made the job-search process even more competitive in a sluggish economy. Sorry, Moms and Dads. It's kinda our fault... We just wanted to protect our babies and give them the greatest childhood society had expected from us. However, the overinvolvement of helicopter parents has preve
How to make peace with what IS and what COULD BE
27/09/2016 Duration: 01h05minHow to Rewire Your Mind No one ever said it was easy. In fact, those of us who have had success with it in some way will tell you it's one of the most difficult tasks to do, but the results are astounding. Imagine seeing your current reality from inside an alternate dimension. Everything looks the same, but it feels DIFFERENT. The perception is MORE CLEAR. Yeah--- It's kind of like... dare I say... playing in a fantasy world. Take yourself on a healing journey. Identifying your personal limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones just might be the single most IMPACTFUL and powerful thing you can do to improve your life. According to the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, beloved author and spiritual leader, the trick is to open yourself up to all possibilities without being attached to the outcome. Sounds a little tricky, doesn't it? In essence, you can still allow yourself to DESIRE something that you don't have, but the power to receive it lies in your ability to be at peace with NOT HAVING IT. Yeah. W
Is your child... PSYCHIC?
20/09/2016 Duration: 01h06minLearning the Power of our Souls There are moments in our lives that we just can't explain--- moments that seem a little TOO coincidental. However, most of us don't recall anything weird or unexplainable happening when we were young children. We were more accepting of the synchronicities. The term SYNCHRONICITY was coined by the late great Carl Jung. He defined it as a meaningful coincidence that had the effect of breaking through the “rationalistic shell” of the modern scientific mind. Raising Children with a Healthy and Spiritual Foundation My friend, as a parent you may be exploring or seeking your own spiritual path and your own truths. Whether you are well grounded in your own beliefs or you are in the process of trying to understand what you believe, it is never too early to explore spiritual ideas with your children. Remember, your children are also spiritual beings, having a human experiences just as you are. Psychic Sensitive Children We ALL feel that our children are special just because they bel
Sob Story to Success Story
13/09/2016 Duration: 01h07minRejection is the mother of Reinvention. What if we were ALL courageous enough to tell the TRUTH about our beautifully imperfect selves, our messy mommy lives, and our complicated relationships with our money? What would that look like for YOU? Our truth feels dangerously VULNERABLE, but... Believe me when I say that coming to terms with YOUR real, raw and transparent TRUTH is about the most liberating thing you can do for yourself. The TRUTH that you are willing to discover about yourself can result in a massive and life-changing break-through. I can tell you for CERTAIN that every one of us struggles with a lack of confidence and self-worth. We have VERY convincing arguments with ourselves for why we believe that we are deeply flawed, fundamentally broken and undeserving of what we TRULY desire. The Path to Prosperity is lined with PROBITY. No one can ever accuse me of being a fraud. I've been criticized many times for OVER-SHARING especially during personal times of struggle ...but I have never held ba
What does "Having It All" REALLY look like for Modern Moms?
06/09/2016 Duration: 01h01minWhat's it going to take--- to get you personally empowered? In seven years of broadcasting, I don't think I've ever gotten quite a response like the one I got after last week's episode. I shared a very candid experience with you about my personal struggle with depression, how acknowledging my illness was a part of my recovery (as well as my forgiveness of it) and how I am now able to powerfully own it as part of who I am. Speaking out about depression wasn't just cathartic for ME... it seems to have opened up a safe dialogue for so many who feel isolated and debilitated by this mental illness. Thank you for your letters, your bravery, and your willingness to keep this important discussion going. Together we will prevail. Now that we are in recovery, it's time to get back to our purposeful intentions. Once the fog clears, we may be able to see an inkling of the bright and beautiful dreams that we once had...but it's still accompanied by fear for so many of us. What if we drive ourselves to exhaustion...and n
The Truth About Depression
30/08/2016 Duration: 01h04minJoin us for a very special live broadcast... It's been four weeks since the last time I aired a live show for you. In seven years, I've never taken this long of a hiatus. The truth is... I needed some time to get help with the depression that I've been battling. Hows that for honesty? Since I "came out" as someone who has been battling depression, the private messages have been pouring in from others who have either been silently suffering with this illness or have watched a love one suffer. Many didn't realize depression was an actual illness that requires medical attention until they read the description of my experience. More people are affected than you may realize. You won't want to miss today's discussion if the conversations you have with yourself sound anything like mine did: "You can't be depressed, you have a wonderful life." "Depression is for those who are not as strong willed as you are. It's for the weak. You are too aware and SMART to be depressed." "You have nothing to be depressed about,
Is Your Home... Hazardous to Your Health?
02/08/2016 Duration: 59minParents have ENOUGH to worry about... now this? For modern parents, the list of safety and health issues to stay aware of is rapidly growing. We already know that we are likely living in a toxic world and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. We only have so many battles to fight... is this one of them? While some parents are still unsure how much we really need to concern ourselves with the toxins that don't APPEAR to be negatively impacting us, others have already experienced a massive decline in the quality of their family's lives. These parents are constantly searching for answers to explain flair-ups in autism, eczema, Hoshimoto's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and more. Information overload might be HURTING our awareness... For many patients, once it was determined that mainstream medicine wasn't working, there became a new abundance of research in the holistic field that only leads us down costly paths of cabinets filled with solutions, supplements and restricted diets, turning peopl
Bigger. Fuller. Better: Your Guide to a Richer More Fulfilled Life.
26/07/2016 Duration: 01h02minWhy are some people good at everything...and they make it look easy? There are common virtues that live inside all successful people. A strong work ethic, yes. A certain level of intelligence, certainly. Ambition and a belief in oneself, most definitely. But success is a curious thing. The virtues and beliefs we hold, while the cause of success in one area of life, often don’t lead to success in other areas. Think of the workaholic with a miserable marriage. A loving family with no money to send their children to college. The rich CEO who hasn’t taken a vacation in years. Having it all... Money, love, fulfillment, happiness, respect, time, etc… is HARD. It’s hard enough to sacrifice one area of your life to have success in another, so having success in everything might seem IMPOSSIBLE. It is not. It is not only a goal worth pursuing... it's a life worth living. On Today's Show... Join me in welcoming my friend and colleague Allyson Chavez, the passionate mind behind this amazing free summit. I am ex
Teach Your Kids to Fly!
19/07/2016 Duration: 59minEmpowering a New Generation Time to change the world. No, really. Our world is in need of BIG TIME improvements.Without blaming each ourselves or each other for the bleakness of our world, it's time to start a serious dialogue about what we can do about it. We are parents. We are thought leaders, innovators and game changers. We are raising beautiful, savvy and intelligent children and we have the tools to guide them into the vanguard. Preparing our children to save the world This task is not as daunting as you think. By adhering to our moral compass and extending beyond what parents have narrated in generations past, we are looking at the advent of a new day. Shelly Lefkoe has a personal vision to transform the way we parent. She believes that if we raise a conscious generation of children, violence will end, people will treat each other with respect and dignity, and life on this planet will be better for everyone. On Today's Show... Join me in welcoming the amazing and dedicated Shelly Lefkoe to discus
Mastery of Self
12/07/2016 Duration: 59minDon't like this reality? CHANGE IT. If you are aching for peace and harmony, you are not alone. Recent events has filled the media, workspace and cyber boards with adversity and distress around the world. Being emotionally depleted from such heartbreak can lead to aggressiveness, anger and feeling out of balance.... but you don't have to play that game. If peace is what you seek, let peace be your response. One of the greatest lessons in A Course in Miracles is that in order to battle with others we must invest ourselves into the fight. In other words, defensiveness STEALS YOUR ENERGY and demands that you explain yourself to people who will deliberately misinterpret you for their own ego. It's like screaming into a vacuum... a waste of your precious time in this lifetime. On Today's Show... I am honored to be introducing you to the great Miguel Ruiz Jr., son of Don Miguel Ruiz, one of the greatest New Age spiritual enlightenment teachers of the century. Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. is a Nagual, a Toltec Master of T
Intuitive Leadership
28/06/2016 Duration: 59minIntuitive Leaders see the world as it COULD be. Parents have super powers. You can't deny that you tapped into something other-worldly upon entering into your role as a Mom or Dad. The transformation into parenthood allowed you to expand on a deep rooted intuition and the ability to make quick decisions without the interference of rational thought. This is no accident. As a caretaker, you have the super-ability to see the cracks through which the light gets in, predict and prepare for "accidents waiting to happen," concoct emergency contraptions creatively with just a few random objects in a diaper bag, and improve upon the lives of your families and communities with a natural ability to PIONEER. Parents instinctually look upon the world with fresh eyes filled with possibility, just like the children they are caring for. No wonder parents make excellent business leaders! In between the juggling and balancing act of family, career and self-care, parents have the innate ability to take things out of their o
Just 15 minutes of Magic!
21/06/2016 Duration: 01h01sAdventure Time for Parents and Kids! We are busy moms....we get it. On a good day we barely have time to cross off all the items on our "to do" list, let alone build in quality family time. Research shows that even a small amount of time (10-15 engaged minutes) can do wonders for a child's self-esteem, make them bully-proof and even prevent disease. Quality time for a quick five! The staff at This Little Parent... is going nuts for our new Gnome Kits!! Now that summer is here and we are attempting to scale back our work time, QUALITY is Key! It turns out that staying fully engaged with your kids in a fun activity for only 15 minutes each day creates memorable moments that proves to be SO valuable ... that they may even forgive you for working at home. Oh... the irony. Get your kids off of their electronic devices with... (are you ready?)... AN APP! When it comes to screen time, we don't always make the best choices. We are all guilty of handing our digital devices over to our kids to keep them occupied wh
No Shame Parenting
07/06/2016 Duration: 59minReal progress often starts with pandemonium. If you are tired of the gorilla chatter and constant arguments about who is to blame, I promise you, this is a discussion of which you'll want to be a part. The unfortunate loss of an innocent animal's life has caused a significant shift in a collective concern. If anything positive has come out of the traumatic incident at the Cincinnati Zoo, it's that we've opened up a dialogue for parents across the country who are tired of being blamed. Moms on every social site are admitting that they are relieved that this didn't happen to THEM and confessing to the shame and fear that taints their parenting abilities on a constant basis. We are finally standing up in unison and crying ... "We've Had Enough!" Parents are sick and tired of being attacked. No matter how we do it, it seems we are doing it wrong. It's no wonder we have lost faith in ourselves and hesitate every time we need to make a parenting decision. We are getting mixed messages. We are condemned for heli
Past Life Parenting and Regression Therapy
31/05/2016 Duration: 59minTurn Regression into Progression A few weeks ago, I traveled back into another lifetime. I had only intended to experience a regression for research purposes, but what I came away with was life altering. I went in with the intention to understand what having insight into a past life might reveal for us in our present reality. I had heard that visiting a past life could fill in gaps to life's puzzles and while I knew that I had many missing pieces, I NEVER could have predicted the outcome. Past life...parallel reality... alternate Universe... or DELUSION? Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of past incarnations. Though, in the spiritual and psychology community there is some exploratory discussion and debate about what actually occurs during a therapy regression session. Whether you believe in a Holographic Universe, (the belief that all realities are happening simultaneously) Karma, (the sum of a person's actions in previous states of existence which decides the fate of
Harness the power of DREAMS to be a better parent!
24/05/2016 Duration: 59minOur dreams are our secret weapon. If we pay attention to our dreams, we’ll discover that these little nighttime dramas are opportunities for spiritual awakening and growth. As parents and entrepreneurs, our minds are quite busy both while we are awake as well as while we slumber. We might as well decipher every bit of our consciousness to find solutions to our biggest questions. Awaken to Inspired Action! Dreams initiate us into the highest capacity of imagination---and this mode of consciousness is available to us every night! With a little bit of faith and curiosity, we can unlock the mysteries that permeate our nighttime dream narratives and help make our waking dreams come true! On Today's Show Join us for a Dreamy Fun Time! Please welcome the lovely and amazing Kelly Walden Sullivan, America's premiere dream expert! Most dream experts are scholarly, academic, orthodox, erudite Jungians, feather wafting Shamans, or a tree-hugging-card-carrying members of the land of “woo woo”. Kelly is ALL of those thin
How to Immerse Yourself in EFFORTLESS Living
17/05/2016 Duration: 01h01minThe Art of Living in Flow You MUST BELIEVE that you already have --- built right into your DNA--- the natural inclination to succeed. So why are you still struggling? Short (and obvious) answer: Because you are still STRUGGLING. Transformative work DOESN'T have to hurt If you believe that success never comes easy without hard work and sacrifice, that may be part of your problem. You are what you feed your mind. Everything you know and believe has come from your own "experiments" in life. By tapping into a higher perspective and expanded consciousness, you will be able to rewire your beliefs on a cellular level, and shift your reality... immediately. How are you holding yourself back? If FLOW really is effortless and easy, then we must be unaware of SOMETHING that we are doing to disrupt the abundance for which we are aching. What are these obstacles and how are they tripping us up? Identifying our own personal "blind-spots" are never as easy as pointing them out for a friend, but overriding your current se