Progressive Voices

State Of Belief 06-24-2023



Next time on The State of Belief, Marking the first anniversary of Dobbs. When the Supreme Court struck down Roe v Wade on June 24, 2022, it triggered an avalanche of pre-written legislation across the country. It’s had immeasurable impact on millions of individual lives and families, and has inspired thousands of leaders and communities of faith and of conscience to step into the breach. We’ll get a look at some of that work, the consequences of Dobbs, and the organizing going forward with Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams, Co-Director for Movement Building at SACReD, the Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity. Also, Sofi Hirscher Andofsky and Aaron Dorfman from A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy, on the lessons learned in the 2022 election – and how we can all apply those lessons to what’s coming in 2024.