Progressive Voices

July 4th A Sham; Congress is the problem, not Court; Birthrates Plummet Karel Cast #223



July 4th A Sham; Congress is the problem, not Court; Birthrates Plummet Karel Cast #223 Yesterday we celebrated July 4th, but we totally miss the point now. Our founders would declare freedom from a new group today, a group that is just as tyrannical as a king, MAGA…because they want a new King. The Supreme Court has ruled again against LGBTQ people, and they are despicable for doing it; but they are just doing what they do. It's Congress that is really to Blame, so why does the LGBTQ community just love them so? I mean, what do they REALLY do for the community other than pay it lip service? And international birthrates are plummeting..why? Is it economics? Selfishness Both? Or something else, like pessimism of the future? Watch on YouTube and listen wherever you get your podcast. Subscribe at @ReallyKarel is all social media and website The Karel Cast is heard three times a week on all your favorite streaming services and the video can be seen on Youtube. Karel is a hi