Progressive Voices

Leslie Marshall Show -7/19- What's Next for Student Debt Cancellation After Supreme Court Decision?



The Student Debt Crisis Center takes over the airwaves of 'the Leslie Marshall Show,' where they dive into the latest updates on the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down President Biden’s student debt cancellation plan. They also share new opportunities to take action in support of debt cancellation, as well as the latest policy updates. This episode's SDCC hosts are President and Founder, Natalia Abrams, Executive Director, Cody Hounanian, and Managing Director, Sabrina Calazans. The Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that centers the needs and voices of borrowers, and partners with allies, to impact public policy and end the student debt crisis. The SDCC website is and their handle on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is @DebtCrisisOrg.