Progressive Voices

If Trump Wins, We Deserve It; When to Let Go; Notes from Antartica Karel Cast #234



If Trump Wins, We Deserve It; When to Let Go; Notes from Antartica Karel Cast #234 All it takes for evil to win is for good people to sit back and do nothing. If Trump wins, after all the indictments and such, it will mean that not enough good people stepped un to stop it. So will, we then, deserve it? On the flip side, do you care too much about too much and is it effecting your health and life? If so, can you learn to let go of some of it, to lighten your load? If so, how? And a friend of mine is in Antartica, the photos he sent made me very, very sad. Watch on YouTube and listen wherever you get your podcast. Subscribe at @ReallyKarel is all social media and website The Karel Cast is heard three times a week on all your favorite streaming services and the video can be seen on Youtube. Karel is a history-making #LGBTQ talk show host currently living in Las Vegas with his pup Ember. The Karel Cast App is free and is the best way to watch and listen. Get it at reallykar