Progressive Voices

Code Wack - Why millions of Americans seek health care abroad, despite the risks



In honor of more than 200 podcast episodes and the New Year, we’re running one of our oldies but goodies about the medical tourism phenomenon - Need surgery but your $7,000 deductible is in the way? How about major dental care that your insurance doesn't even begin to adequately cover? Could you save by going to another country for treatment? The skyrocketing cost of care and rising insurance premiums are driving some Americans to seek affordable health care abroad. Many medical tourists get high quality, affordable health care abroad. However, some have problems. It's essential to thoroughly research the risks and benefits before pursuing medical care in another country. That being said, how much could you save? And what's the experience like? To find out, we spoke to Michael Djavahery, a Los Angeles-based life coach, trainer, speaker, author, and master hypnotist. In this episode Michael shares his experiences, including how much money he saved, traveling to the Philippines and Malaysia, to be treate