8 Minute Millionaire: Learn The Secrets Of Millionaire Entrepreneurs

294. Monopoly Money Mastery: Teaching Kids the Value of Wealth with Adam Carroll - Part 1 of 3



Monopoly Money Mastery: Teaching Kids the Value of Wealth with Adam Carroll - Part 1 of 3 We're kicking off a three-part series with Adam Carroll, a financial education advocate who's changing the game when it comes to teaching kids and adults about money. Adam's not your average finance guru – he's all about hands-on learning and practical strategies that make a real difference.We kick things off by exploring Adam's unique approach to teaching kids about financial responsibility. Picture this: a game of Monopoly where real cash is on the line. Adam's innovative methods promote open discussions about finances and involve children in budget decisions from an early age. It's all about setting the foundation for a lifetime of smart money management.   What we discuss with Adam: + Adam's Rocky Financial Beginnings and What Changed +The Journey to Financial Wisdom and Massive Debt Payoff +The Monopoly Game That Changed Everything For Adam's Kids +What Contributes To The Way We Play With Our Own Money +Creative Way