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How to Increase Sales By Understanding Your Buyer’s Journey



You’ve likely heard the concept of building the “know-like-trust” factor in order to convert leads into sales. As a business owner you have to have some sort of strategy for getting someone from the place of not even knowing who you are, to becoming a paying customer. Understanding your customer journey is critical for your business, which is why I wanted to talk about it today. This is something I recently took my October mastermind group through, and it opened up a lot of eyes… Frankly, the customer journey isn’t something that a lot of people teach, but I can tell you that it is a major reason why people aren’t converting leads to sales in their businesses. On this episode I’m going to break it all down for you and simplify everything, and after listening, you’ll see why your offer most likely isn’t the problem if you’re having trouble getting sales. What I share with you today will help give you better understanding of your customer’s journey, and why it’s so important to your success! Before we start the
