Wedding Video Boss

Extra video gear and how to carry all of it



Welcome to the Wedding Video Boss Podcast, where we talk about the business of being a wedding creative and also a peek into my world as a wedding videographer. I am your host, Paul Santiago. Please, please come in… lay your weary head on the couch, put yer feet up and let me give you and extra serving of a warm bowl of additional video gear… Yes! We’ll talk about the hardest part of being a wedding videographer, carrying extra shit. We’ll talk about the most commonly used ones, which ones we kept, and how I solved the problem of carrying all of it around, in this segment that I’d like to call… “Carry on, carry on" I'm not a geek about equipment, I just know what I like. Adam Jones "Buy once, cry once” - Ning Wong If you’re a photographer listening to this podcast, this is exactly why videographers need a little bit more time to follow you around when you’d decide to be creative and do an impromtu shoot with the couple. If you’re a new videographer, you better be pumping iron because getting that perfect l