Office Of Readings

Feb 25th -- From a homily on Ecclesiastes by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop⁣



From a homily on Ecclesiastes by Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop⁣ ⁣ Christ is our head, and the wise man keeps his eyes upon him⁣ ⁣ We shall be blessed with clear vision if we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, for he, as Paul teaches, is our head, and there is in him no shadow of evil. Saint Paul himself and all who have reached the same heights of sanctity had their eyes fixed on Christ, and so have all who live and move and have their being in him.⁣ ⁣ As no darkness can be seen by anyone surrounded by light, so no trivialities can capture the attention of anyone who has his eyes on Christ. The man who keeps his eyes upon the head and origin of the whole universe has them on virtue in all its perfection; he has them on truth, on justice, on immortality and on everything else that is good, for Christ is goodness itself.⁣ ⁣ The wise man, then, turns his eyes toward the One who is his head, but the fool gropes in darkness. No one who puts his lamp under a bed instead of on a lamp-stand will receive any light from i