Office Of Readings

Feb 16th -- From a sermon by Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot⁣



From a sermon by Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot⁣ ⁣ The preeminence of charity⁣ ⁣ Why, brothers, are we so little concerned to seek one another’s well-being, so that where we see a greater need, we might show a greater readiness to help and carry one another’s burdens? For this is what the blessed apostle Paul urges us to do in the words: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ; and also: Support each other in charity. For this surely is the law of Christ.⁣ ⁣ Why can I not patiently bear the weaknesses I see in my brother which, either out of necessity or because of physical or moral weakness, cannot be corrected? And why can I not instead generously offer him consolation, as it is written: Their children shall be carried on their shoulders and consoled upon their knees? Is it because I lack that virtue which suffers all things, is patient enough to bear all, and generous enough to love?⁣ ⁣ This is indeed the law of Christ, who truly bore our weaknesses in his passion and carried our sorro