Wedding Video Boss

Killing it, without killing each other with Meg & Kevin Le Vu



Welcome to the wedding video boss podcast! Today is extra special because my good friends, Meg & Kevin Le Vu are here and we’re talking about something that is surprisingly a rarity in the wedding vendor world, being a husband and wife team. We’re talking about: - How to network as a couple Selling Respecting each other as a creative Falling into role Finding out strengths and weaknesses Let’s do something fun! If you’re a husband and wife team, i’d love to see a photo of you! send me a tweet @thepaulsantiago or tag me on instagram @weddingvideoboss! I want to know how long you’ve been in business and what your secret is then we’ll post it on instagram! If you’re driving, send it to me later because I want you to get to where you’re going safely, let’s try not to turn your spouse into a widow or widower right now. If you’re doing the dishes, take a photo and send it to me! That’s the first secret to a successful married life! Okay these two are ready to rumble so don’t go away because we’ll be righ