Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover MY number 1 tip to help your affiliate business.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I'm going to be talking about the best sales funnel for affiliate marketing and what you really should be looking for. The dirty truth when it comes to affiliate marketing is most of the people that are making the big  money are creating products.   You can still make some good money by promoting other people's products, I know from experience if you have a good sales funnel. What is a good sales funnel? I look at a good sales funnel almost like copywriting. Copywriting should be a slippery slop. The whole purpose of the first sentence is to get someone to read the second sentence. The whole purpose of the second sentence is to get someone to read the third and so on. The sales funnel you could call this the profit pipeline and it starts with a front end product, which is probably the most important product. Then you would offer th