Kevin Whitsitt

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 38:22:59
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Hey, This podcast is going to be about Books I'm reading, travel and the ups and downs of affiliate marketing! I Hope you Enjoy it!


  • 5 Hidden Things with Using Groupon for a Business!

    23/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more.. Hey wutz going on. Everyone wants a deal so a coupon site such as Groupon could be the best thing ever. There are some hidden things that you may not know, that I wanted to share. Reason 1 - The service is VERY expensive. When you look at the website it seems there is NO upfront cost and its pay-as-you-go, it seems great right? The truth is they take 50% of your revenue as fees, to begin with, and that doesn't even include the discount you are giving to the consumer. Some more bad news is Groupon requires that a business discount its services by at least 50% and sometimes more. With a $100 product, you would get "at most" $25 and at worst $5. Reason 2 -There is a risk that new users would get a discount and the loyal customers that have been supporting you pay a higher price. It just seems wrong, and maybe a small discount wouldn't be bad, but a large one is al

  • Is This The Laziest Way to Earn Money?

    16/03/2023 Duration: 05min

    Click on the link below for more... Hey wutzup. I'm a proud lazy person, Very lazy. Especially when it comes to earning money, I just want to get paid and not work very hard. There is a business model I recently discovered, that might just be one of the easiest ways to earn money.  I'll give you an example to help you wrap your head around this. Have you heard of the Drudge Report? It's not too fancy and it looks like it came from the 1950's, but it works and the website got over 25 million visits in the last 24 hours (amazing stuff).  All it does is post articles, in black and white. What is even crazier is they did NO work to create the articles. Yea, they just took the articles from other places and legally put them on their website and it's called content aggregation.  You might be wondering why do people go to this website? The Drudge Report was started in 1997 when Drudge created it to supplement a $10 pe

  • Danger to Using Keyword Tools....Do This Instead...

    12/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more... Hey wutz up.   There are many keyword tools that you can buy and I really don't like many of these tools. For one they can be Very expensive.    My second issue is I'm very skeptical of the results of the traffic and the competition results that the tool tells you.   Even if the tool is right when it comes to the search volume, it also doesn't take into account similar keywords that "also" rank for the idea you have.  The total traffic that you can get for a term is probably going to be different.   The only person who truly knows how much traffic a search term will get is Google. There are different indicators that can give you an idea if you're on the right track.   I idea is to run the search term through Google Trends and if any info comes up then that is a good sign. If you start to write the search term and Google automaticall

  • 3 Ways to Improve a Presell or Bridge in Affiliate Marketing?

    07/03/2023 Duration: 05min

    Click on the link below for more... Hey wutz going.   In anything you do there is usually more money going deep rather than shallow. For example someone who has been a truck driver for 20 years and owns his own truck will probably earn more money than someone who is completely brand new right?  It's the same for affiliate marketing and there are many ways someone can go deep into it and not shallow.    An example of going shallow would be using Facebook to post an affiliate link a few times a week. It's better than nothing, but you probably can do better, if you plan ahead.  One way you can go deep is with a presell page or bridge page.   Instead of sending someone to an affiliate offer you could send the person to an presell page. This then could warm someone up to the product and could increase your income.    There is a good book I read a few years go called Presuasion.

  • Will ChatGPT Take Over Content Creators, Bloggers, Copywriters?

    03/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more...  Hey, wutzup.   A very long time ago article spinning was all the rage. You could take an article change a few words and spam backlinks and thus game Google.   It did work for a small amount of time, but not in the long run.   As you can imagine the articles sounded not that good.   There are some similarities between ChatGPT and this method if you just use ChatGPT to do all the work for you.    I'm not nervous about this technology completely taking over work for bloggers,  copywriters, and content creation and I'll give you 4 reasons.  For one 1 some people will get so scared they will quit and that means less competition for the rest of us.    Number 2 – ChatGPT and AI doesn't have the personal experience that a real person has. Don't get me wrong ChatGPT has a place and can be helpful, but it's just different. &

  • Using Stories vs. Reels to Grow a Business!

    25/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more... Hey wutzup, vertical content is amazing, these are those short videos you can pump out to Tiktok or Instagram for example.  I've been trying to build my Instagram muscle how to use Reels and Stories and how to get more views. I discovered some interesting things I wanted to share.  Stories are great because they can include a link in the story, With Reels, you can't put a link in there.  What you could do with a Reel is put a link in your bio and then in your Reel tell people to check out your profile for more, and this is what I do a lot.   Reels are great because people who don't follow you can see them.  With Stories, ONLY your followers will see them.   Reels can stay up for “in theory” forever, while stories will disappear in 24 hours.   Reels can be 90 seconds long and Stories are 15 seconds a clip, but you can combine 4 of them to make it

  • 6 Reasons NOT to Write Off Email Marketing....

    14/02/2023 Duration: 05min

    Click on the link below for more at... Hey wutz going on?    Maybe your a blogger, Youtuber or thinking about getting into one of those. Maybe you are big on Tiktok you may have forgotten or even written off email marketing thinking it's not worth the energy..    Today I wanted to share a few things with an email that you may not know or thought about.   For one if you own a blog, Youtube channel or you are on some other platform like Tiktok you can actually sell it.   If you have built an email list as you have grown your blog or channel that email list will increase the price of your channel. You will get more money.   If you build an email list and You send 0 emails it can still be very valuable. You may not have thought about that.  A second reason to grow an email list is to make more sales. Say someone visits your blog or Youtube channel the truth is they may NEVER come back.

  • Ways to Save Money on Your Septic System.

    12/02/2023 Duration: 02min

    Click on the link below for more at... Hey, what's going on?  If you have a septic tank, you know that pumping it can be very expensive around me it's $700. Knowing when to pump it can be confusing. If you don't pump the septic tank when it is needed it can lead to all kinds of problems such as clogging the drain field, leading to a smelly backyard, or even a backup in your home, which can be a shitty experience.  Worst case scenario is replacing things and parts, which is very expensive. Instead of pumping the septic tank based on time, which some people do, and some people recommend It's better to have a tool that tells you how much sludge is in your septic tank.  When the sludge reaches a certain amount then and ONLY then do you pump it. This tool can save you a lot of money because you're not paying to get it pumped when it doesn't need to be.   What causes the sludge is mostly toilet paper and solid

  • Graph Crypto vs Chainlink? Winner is...

    10/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more at... Hey wutzup.   I know OpenAI has been very popular lately, so I started looking at the top AI crypto projects out there and one of the leading ones is The Graph.    Some people think it's similar to Chainlink, so I wanted to talk about how they are both different and a little more on The Graph and some thoughts on the future of crypto in general  Graph organizes data on the Ethereum Blockchain, while Chainlink puts data on the Ethereum Blockchain.  They are completely different.  The Graphs token is GRT and there is a total of 10 billion compared to Chainlinks token LINK where there are 1 billion.   With Graph you can invest tokens called staking to earn rewards. With Chainlink, you can only earn rewards by being an Oracle and fetching information.   With Graph you can hold tokens allowing you to vote on things.  With LINK

  • The Crazy Appeal to Model Trains?

    07/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Click on the link below for more... Hey, wutz going on. I have a friend who is really into these model trains and I've been curious why, so I asked him and did some digging and found out some things that I wanted to share.    According to my friend, the largest reason to start a model railroad for him was its therapeutic value. It's really just to escape from the world and all the craziness and focus on something you can control.    There is a stress-reducing element to them.   There are also some health benefits. According to Nancy Bowers a therapeutic specialist, if someone has dementia the railroad can have a profound impact.   There is is also physical and cognitive benefits. Plus, what's cool about them is you can do it with someone like a friend or family member or solo.    Then you have the educational benefits of problem-solving, creativity, developing patience, engineering, an

  • A Really Cool Job I Found?

    04/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Click on the link below for more at... Hey wutzup my father keeps telling me about this job as an EKG Technician, where there is no schooling, you do nothing, and earn an insane amount of money. Being very skeptical I decided to look into it and discovered some interesting things I wanted to share. The coolest thing about this job or career is the schooling is very affordable and very short courses. You don't have to go into debt spending Years in college, before you get paid. I really think some colleges are just gangsters. One course costs $500 dollars and takes 4 weeks to complete. Even better you can do it online and you get this certificate that is recognized. You can actually get a job EVEN without the certificate. Some hospitals can hire you while you're studying to get it and this "might" be the best approach because you're almost guaranteed a job. You just want a return on your investment right? According to ZipRecruiter, the

  • Mexico vs Belize Visa Requirements?

    02/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Click on the link for more at... Hey wutzup. I used to have a manager who was crazy about retiring in Belize the small country near the southern tip of Mexico. So I was curious why and how it compares to Mexico. What makes Belize special is it's the Only latin american country where the official language in English. Plus the country has a large percentage of foreigners. Some people really don't want to learn Spanish and they want a cheap place with nice weather. When it comes to the retirement Visa in Belize you need to be 45 years old and earn over $2,000 a month from a source outside Belize. You have to have a clean criminal history and pass the background check. Lastly, they want a medical report. The tourist Visa only lasts 30 days and you can't do a border run to reset the 30 days. There is a fee to exit the country of $40 dollars. You can extend the 30-day Visa, but the fee is $100 dollars. When it comes to Mexico depending on what count

  • A Big Danger with a Chatbot?

    29/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link for more at... Hey, I've been thinking of putting a chatbot on my blog and I wanted to share a few thoughts on them. When it comes to the overall macro of a website or any business it comes down to patience, which is not easy for anyone. Patience really helps. It's probably a good idea to learn how to crawl, before walking and running. This means if your blog or website isn't getting any visitors or isn't making money it's probably not a good idea to install a chatbot on it just yet. If your website is getting visitors and it's profitable you could use your profits to experiment with a shiny new tool like a chatbot and see if it helps you earn more money. It really is a case-by-case scenario of how helpful it can be. The main problem with chatbots is they cost money every month. You just want to make sure it's profitable and it's not going to bleed cash. You really have to track the numbers. A very larg

  • Have you Ever thought about a Job as a Pilot?

    26/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    Click on the link below for more...  Hey wutzup. I have a family currently studying to be a pilot, so I wanted to share a few things about the process and how to get there faster and cheaper that I discovered.  The first step is the discovery flight.  Get some real-world flying to see how it is and most importantly if you like it. Plus, you can brag to everywhere you've actually flown a plane right?  If you want to be a commercial pilot and actually earn money from it.  The truth is 80% of students don't make it.   There are many reasons but the finances is a big hurdle. It costs around $100 thousand dollars if you add everything up to become a commercial pilot unless you join the military and go that path.  According to ZipRecruiter the average income of a starting commercial pilot now is around $50,000 a year. Is it worth it? That is up to you to decide.    There are schola

  • Truck Driving Pay is Not What it's Cracked Up to Be?

    22/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link for more at....  Hey wutzup.   My brother was thinking about getting into truck driving, so I geeked out on a bunch of stuff and I want to share a few things I discovered.   Most truck drivers get paid per mile, which means they are on duty and driving.  What many people don't know is that most carriers will not pay if you're on duty and not driving.   If your fueling your truck, inspecting it, and waiting for something you don't get paid.   If you add up, ALL the hours you work divided by your paycheck your actual hourly rate will probably be less than your effective hourly pay.    The good news is that when you are waiting and NOT getting paid you can still do things such as read a book, watch a show, or exercise.   The real hourly rate is going to be closer to around $20 an hour (on average) starting out as a corporate truck driver but can be increased with time.  Even thoug

  • How Much Can You Earn Creating Slogans?

    18/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more... You can earn anywhere between $5 to $999 dollars on 1 slogan that you created!   There are 2 main ways to sell them.   Slogan Contests  Freelance Services   A popular way many companies get a slogan is to have a contest.  They pick the one they like best and if it's yours then you can earn up to $999.  The second way to earn money with slogans is by enrolling in freelance websites and offering your services where you can help someone come up with a slogan.  You might be wondering what the heck is a slogan.    A slogan is more than just a set of words, it's used to persuade someone to buy a product more on an emotional level and that is difficult to put into words.  You could think of a slogan as everything the business is about in a few short words. You can see why they can be worth SO much money.  Figuring out these ca

  • Is Pathrise Worth It? 3 Red Flags!

    13/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more... After going through an affiliate network I heard about Pathrise being a huge seller. Being curious I wondered what it was was all about.   You could think of Pathrise as a network that can help someone find, apply, interview, and land a job in tech. A good job!    The good news is the network is free until you land the job that you want. The bad news is like the show Shark Tank they take a percentage of the money you earn on the job.  The million-dollar question (or thousand-dollar question) is if it's worth it.  The percentage is anywhere between 5 to 7% of your salary in your first year (this could change). Some more bad news is this is money before taxes.  So it's VERY expensive.   On the other side of the pancake, giving Pathrise a percentage and getting your foot in the door might be better than NOT getting a job at all.  Still, 5-7% of your first-year salar

  • 3 Reasons for the Drought in the U.S.?

    11/01/2023 Duration: 03min

    Click on the link below for more... Lately, I've been curious about the water situation in the western U.S. This megadrought.   It's drying up lake Mead which is the largest reservoir in the U.S. A reservoir is human created lake (not natural) usually due to a damn on a river.  Lake Mead is at its lowest level since 1937 when the reservoir was first filled. If it gets too low then it doesn't generate electricity and no drinking water.    What the western U.S. is experiencing is a mega-drought and it's different than a normal drought. A normal drought is a dry spell, but then it gets wet again. With a megadrought it just stays dry without the wetness and this region has been experiencing this since the year 2000.    A drought is caused by 3 things. Lack of snowpack  Lack of soil moisture  High temperatures   What happens is snow falls on mountains in the winter. If not a lot of snowpack is form

  • Is It Worth It to Make and Sell Candles?

    08/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Click on the link below for more... My mom is retired and I thought about doing it with her for fun, making some money would be good two right?  There are some pros and cons to this business that I learned and I wanted to share them with you.    First the negatives, so I end on a high note.   The largest negative with the candle business is the legal steps and having a business plan. All that legal stuff depends on where you live, but it's something to consider.    The next negative is there really are a lot of options when it comes to candles. This is good, but it's also bad I'm thinking of the term paralysis analysis where there are too many options and you end up doing nothing.   This is why it helps to have a written business plan.   For example, with my blog, every step is written out, so it's almost like paint by numbers. I dummy-proof it for myself.  The th

  • What is Special About Vina Del Mar Chile?

    04/01/2023 Duration: 03min

    Click on the link below for more...  Hey wutzup, lately I've been interested in Chili due to the fascinating combination of surfing and snowboarding.   I learned some really cool stuff about a popular beach town called Vina Del Mar that I wanted to share with you.    What makes this Vina Del Mar town unique is the music festival that is held every February. Starting in 1960 it might just be the oldest and largest musical festival in Latin America.   What makes the music festival unique is just how brutal the crowd can get. The audience is named  "The Monster." Booing someone off the stage isn't uncommon.    Getting accepted by the crowd can improve an artist's popularity with the rest of Latin America. There are 3 awards that are given out at the festival. There is a Silver Torch, Golden Torch, and Silver Seagull.  If an artist gains all 3 awards it's called they "tamed the monster" the monster being the crowd and

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