Harvest E Free Church Goodland Ks

The one worth following



The One Worth Following John 8:12-59 We need to follow Jesus. Jesus is the ______________________ (v. 12). Jesus sets us __________ (vv. 31-32, 36). The better we get to know Jesus, the closer we walk with Him, the more ___________ we have with sin. Paul’s progression: About AD 55; 1 Cor. 15:9; refers to self as: “the least of the ___________” About AD 61; Eph. 3:8; refers to self as: “the very least of the__________” About AD 66; 1 Tim. 1:15; refers to self as: “foremost of ____________” A basic pattern you will find as someone continues to know Jesus more: * a growth in ___________; * a growth in ____________; * coupled with a greater recognition of our _____________. 3. Jesus is ______ (v. 58). Ask self: “What does Jesus want me to remember and act upon from this passage today?”