Harvest E Free Church Goodland Ks

Painful Resources



Suffering and difficulty is one of those tools that God uses in your life. God uses pain and suffering to: 1. Develop _____________ (James 1:3). 2. Bring ________________ (James 1:4). 3, Assure us of our _________________(I Peter 1:7). 4. Prove the genuine nature of our ____________________ (I Peter 1:7). 5. Develop in us _____________ (2 Corinthians 12:7). 6. Keep us on track (Psalm 119:67). 7. Deepen our _____ in the heart of God (Hosea). 8. Help others (2 Corinthians 1:4). 9. Reveal what we really __________ (Deuteronomy 13:3; John 12:25). 10. Display God's glory (Genesis 50:20).