Doing It All With Kelly P.

Macaroons, Tiny Doors, & a Book Pusher



EP 04 - Join Kelly and her Adventurous friend, Jen as they explore the smalltowns of Camp Hill, Carlisle, and Mount Holly Springs all located on the WestShore outside of Harrisburg, PA. Lots of goodies in this episode includingdelightful macaroons, fairies who leave behind doors, and books galore. This episode's Cocktail Recipe for a Great Gatsby 1.5 oz Gin1.5 oz Lime Juice1.5 oz Thyme Infused Simple Syrup (2 cups sugar dissolved in 2 cups water overmed heat. Remove and add a handful of thyme. Cover and rest for 1 hour. Strainand refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.)Muddled Peach (I used thawed frozen and blended them, but if fresh is in seasongo for it and muddle away. Otherwise thaw the frozen and zhush in a blender.)Splash of Champagne or Seltzer (I used Prosecco.) Combine all ingredients, except Champagne, in a cocktail shaker over ice. Shakevigorously and pour into glass. Top with Champagne or seltzer and garnish with asprig of thyme. Enjoy! Serves one but make another for a friend.  Links to all the show's to