Doing It All With Kelly P.

Details, Starry Nights, and Expectations



Eps. 03 - Join Kelly & her oldest friend as they talk starry nights, cocktail details, and the planetarium at the North Museum in Lancaster, PA. Our signature drink in this episode is a Full Moon. To make your own: 1.5 oz flavored VodkaCoconut Milk for Ice MoonsSeltzer (optional) Pour coconut milk into molds & freeze at least 6 hours. Place in class & pour vodka over. Top with seltzer if desired. Here's a link to get Chillz Ice Ball Maker Molds 4 X 4.5cm Round Ice Ball Spheres Here are other links mentioned in our show. Enjoy! I want to bring you every joy and benefit of living locally that I can to you. SHARE & SUBSCRIBE to the show so you don't miss a thing. Join our new "local living" community at