Saved Millennial Radio

Ep. 12 - Those Who Win Souls Are Wise - Interview w/Antwuan Cooks



This week me and thee ssangin, worship leading, and glory cultivating Antwaun Cooks continue the SM conversation around reaching the lost, extending grace, and his song writing process. Antwuan resides in the city of Orlando where he serves as the worship leader at The Experience Christian Center under the leadership of Pastor Derrick and Lady Taja McRae. He is passionate about corporate worship and sharing the love of Christ with those who have not experienced such great a love. In this interview he gives us some insight on how the song Light It Up was birthed and of course you know I got the tea on where he thinks we are as a church! Connect with us on Instagram  @Saved_Millennial - The Movement @EvgShane - The Host  @AntwuanCooks - Show Guest