Hell On Wheels

What it Feels Like to Die ☠️ |



Welcome to the first episode of my new informal, unstructured mini-podcast. ....jumping right in with those super simple, lowkey topics like chronic illness, death, the process of dying, and challenging the idea of "going with grace". While a hard topic, I do I hope the second half of this leaves you feeling encouraged, moved and enlightened to life your life in more a meaningful way.Since initial upload, Claire Wineland, who I mention heavily in this, passed away. It rocked my world. So, I added this very important note:IMPORTANT UPDATE: It's taken me awhile to make this update bc the loss of Claire Wineland -- the very person who encouraged me to start making digital media again, and someone I adored since she became a teenager -- hit me really hard. I considered removing this podcast bc it mentioned her so heavily, and is specifically about death and dying, which I thought may seem like it's in bad taste. But, Claire was an honest, healthy death advocate. She encouraged these conversations, she faced them,