#adulting: Life Hacks To Get Your Sh*t Together With Zack Peter And Nikki Sharp

When It's Time to Block a B*tch: Unfollowing, Muting, and Blocking Someone on Social Media



Ready to get rid of some of those toxic "friends?" Zack Peter and Abigail Fraher discuss when it's time to unfollow, mute, and block someone on social media.  Want to give HUM Nutrition a try? We know you'll LOVE it! Head to www.humnutrition.com and be sure to use code ADULTING for 20% off your first order!  LOLA always comes to the rescue! Want to give LOLA a try? Get 30% off with code ADULTING30 at www.mylola.com  Keep up with us @theadultingpodcast on Instagram and don't forget to subscribe and tune-in every Tuesday! (A 5-star review wouldn't hurt either!)  Keep up with Zack @justplainzack, Abigail @abigail__af, and Nikki @nikkisharp  
