Ritual Podcast

E-85: You Haven’t Earned It Yet



You haven’t earned it yet. . The top 10% of people in anything are easy to look at as oddities. They are. People who defy the norm will always be celebrated and propped up because their achievements fall outside the margins of possibility for most common people. . Why? . In some cases genetics undeniably play a factor. However, even with that factor most of these people posses an unmeasurable capacity for work and focus. We tend to disregard this when looking at their accomplishments in awe or we look at this capacity as innately inhuman which some are born with and some are not. The problem is: work isn’t genetic. Its universal. . You’d be hard pressed to find a successful person without their own set of challenges and unique reasons why. We just tend to make mountains of our indifference. Our best weapon is seeing who we are objectively. Knowing how to take off our rose colored glasses when looking at ourselves is extremely powerful. What time isn’t being allocated to our goals? What habit is prohibitive an