Still Going Somewhere

Terry Huddleston



while walking through El Paso ComicCon on April 18th, I overheard a conversation between a vendor and someone looking at his art. The vendor was asked why he was drawing African-American superheroes. His answer was what pushed me to stop and interview him. “If we don’t represent ourselves,” he said, “who will do it?” That vendor is Terry Huddleston, an artist with a great style. I told him what I had overheard. “Really the nuance of that is important for us to represent ourselves correctly. Because I mean, there's a lot of outcry about how we're misrepresented by other cultures, but at the same time in every culture is guilty of this, we always put our best foot forward, and it's always, here's the cream of the crop. In the other 99% of the culture don't get represented at all," says Terry Huddleston. "I kinda noticed that inverse where like, you know, nobody is representing heavyset women in ComicCon and they're not representing certain types of body types and other aspects. It's almost like, hey, let's