I am a photojournalist, journalist, artist, and poet. I do hope you will join me here for my stories, and other audio works I will be sharing.
The El Paso Religious Society Of Friends
30/11/2019 Duration: 40minThe Religious Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers, is a unique religious group. It’s also one that I didn’t know still existed in our modern world. They are a vibrant, active community that strives for equality, justice, peace, and hearing the “still small voice” of God. This audio, part of a story I did for San Eli News, is from my visit with the Quakers of El Paso. After the service, I was able to sit down with Cyndi Rains, Vona Van Cleef and John Russell. The article this audio is part of can be read at Pax, Steven
San Elizario: Home Of The First Thanksgiving?
27/11/2019 Duration: 43minDid the first Thanksgiving happen in San Elizario, Texas? Did it happen on the East Coast? In 1989 the City and County of El Paso, Texas attempted to push the narrative that the first Thanksgiving did happen here. This is my interview with Al Borrego, a historian in San Elizario. You can also read the article this interview is part of San Eli News below: {will post when runs}
Growing San Elizario
19/11/2019 Duration: 19minThe City of San Elizario has a solution to the encroaching concrete and the ideas we have about not being able to create any new green spaces, or even grow food. I met with Maya Sanchez, City Administrator for San Elizario and Octavio Hernandez, who works with the City of San Elizario and the University of Auburn in Alabama. This is that conversation. This audio is part of an article found at San Eli News at
Kieran Johnson
17/11/2019 Duration: 14minA native El Pasoan, Kieran Johnson was born with a rare genetic disorder known as Williams Syndrome. This developmental disorder affects many parts of the body. Typically characterized by mild to moderate intellectual or learning problems, unique personality characteristics, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) problems, it only affects 1 in 10,000 people worldwide. This is his story. This audio is part of a larger article at San Eli News: News, Sports and More from San Elizario, Texas.
Meeting Scientology
09/10/2019 Duration: 24minI have often wondered about the Church of Scientology, who they are and what they believe. I know a little, but I wanted to know more. So, I reached out to the Scientology Mission of El Paso, Texas, where I met with the Mission Holder, Joni Superville and Dr Jose Alverez. This audio is part of an article I've written for the El Paso Herald-Post, ANS, and Medium. To read the article, simply click on any link below. Medium HVY A Poet's Path
Hands Up Act
07/06/2019 Duration: 18min“I don’t care who you are,” says Travis Washington. “I don’t want anybody shot unarmed.” There are some good police officers out there. However, like any profession, there are those bad apples in the bunch. When you are a police officer who is on the wrong side of the law, then you tend to make the rest of the force look as bad as you. Travis Washington has created the Hands Up Act. A very much needed bill. “The whole purpose of this bill is to protect individuals who are being shot, unarmed, by the police. Because right now the United States is the number one country across the whole globe leading in most police shootings,” says Travis Washington. “Like the United Nations has already declared that police shooting unarmed people as a form of lynching in the United States of America.” To sign the petition, click the link below: To read my article, click the link below:
Jose Montoya
02/06/2019 Duration: 37min"There's other stories to be told as well," said José. "I want to be able to add those other stories." This is my interview with José Montoya, an artivist living and working in El Paso, Texas. This is an interview that needs to be heard and taken to heart. This is part of an article I've written. To read that article, click below:
Terry Huddleston
28/04/2019 Duration: 13minwhile walking through El Paso ComicCon on April 18th, I overheard a conversation between a vendor and someone looking at his art. The vendor was asked why he was drawing African-American superheroes. His answer was what pushed me to stop and interview him. “If we don’t represent ourselves,” he said, “who will do it?” That vendor is Terry Huddleston, an artist with a great style. I told him what I had overheard. “Really the nuance of that is important for us to represent ourselves correctly. Because I mean, there's a lot of outcry about how we're misrepresented by other cultures, but at the same time in every culture is guilty of this, we always put our best foot forward, and it's always, here's the cream of the crop. In the other 99% of the culture don't get represented at all," says Terry Huddleston. "I kinda noticed that inverse where like, you know, nobody is representing heavyset women in ComicCon and they're not representing certain types of body types and other aspects. It's almost like, hey, let's
Golden Goose Tattoo
17/03/2019 Duration: 20minI like tattoos. Hell, I have seven tattoos and one branding – don’t ask. The art people choose to place on their bodies ranges from the mundane, like Japanese words that may not mean exactly what one thinks, to full body pieces that tell a story or trance family events. I’ve seen memorials to family members who have passed away, to tattoos that cover one’s military service or prison time. I’ve seen some amazing work. This is my conversation with Fabian Cobos of Golden Goose Tattoo in El Paso, Texas. Let me tell you, Golden Goose is a place with great work, art and one hell of a vibe. You should really check it out!
The Watchman
04/03/2019 Duration: 17min“So, the first thing when we talk about the Watchman Device is to first understand what atrial fibrillation is,” began Dr Mulukutla. “Atrial fibrillation is where the top part doesn't beat like it normally should. What happens is the top part is telling the bottom part to beat. But what happens in atrial fibrillation is it starts to fibrillate instead of beating, normally it starts to quiver. And when it quivers a blood clot can form a clot in that top part of the heart and then it goes to the bottom part of the heart, and then the bottom part pumps it out, and it can go to the brain and cause a stroke. A major concern with atrial fibrillation is the possibility of having a stroke.” This is my conversation with Dr Chalam Mulukutla of El Paso Cardiology Associates in El Paso. This is interview is the basis of an article I wrote for San Eli News:
The Pratts
06/02/2019 Duration: 01h12minThis piece was one that could have taken so many different directions. There are so many stories from this one interview that I would love to share with you. Stories of life in Mexico, working on a ranch, working with George Romney when he lived in El Paso. There’s the story rabid cats and dogs, or one of the Pratt children chasing down a guy that was peering into her window. There are stories of the busloads of people that would show up at their home looking for a place to sleep as they went from Mexico or South America to the Temple in Albuquerque, New Mexico – there are just so many stories I didn’t know what to share! So many stories! While talking to the Pratts I was struck by their marriage, their life when they first met, how and when they finally married. That story, this one part of their life, that’s what I’ve decided to share. Seventy-three years of marriage. That’s a long time - 73 years. I’ve only been married for two years and cannot even begin to fathom seventy-three years of marriage. Ve
Eva Mozes Kor
03/02/2019 Duration: 35minEva Mozes Kor is a Holocaust survivor. Along with her twin sister Miriam, Kor was subjected to human experimentation under Josef Mengele at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War 2. She lost both of her parents and two older sisters to the Holocaust; only she and Miriam survived. This is my conversation with Eva Mozes Kor about hope - how did she find hope during the darkest days of her life and how can we find hope today. My telephone call with her was one that has helped me change my way of thinking and my outlook on life. To read the article that accompanies this call, simply click below:
Why Is Church Important
20/01/2019 Duration: 48min“Church comes from the Greek Εκκλησία [Ekklisía], meaning ‘called out ones,’” says Evangelist Robert Juma of Kenya. “It means people who have obeyed the terms of the Gospel according to the New Testament. Church is important because it is through the Church that God’s kingdom is preached and thus expanded.” This episode of Still Going Somewhere we are talking about Church and why it's important. You will hear from Chevy Cortez, Ken Peters, Father Abouid, Chantilly Zimmerman and me, Steven Zimmerman. There is an article at the El Paso Herald-Post that is connected to this episode. Be sure you give that a read as there is more there than is found in this episode. Don't forget to check out Still Going Somewhere at -- My name is Steven Zimmerman. I am a writer (journalist) and photographer/photojournalist. What I try to do is share the beauty of the world around me. I hope you will join me, and visit often. If you would
Still Going Somewhere
24/03/2018 Duration: 24sThis is our latest in ambient short form. This will be used as the open and close as we rework our shows! Hit us up online!