Ritual Podcast

E-132: Walter Delgado (WallyEdge)



This week on the podcast, we are chatting with Walter Delgado (WallyEdge) powerlifter, and vocalist in Rotting Out.   I’m really excited about this podcast. Walter is an extremely interesting guy and it was great getting to sit down and discuss a variety of topics with him.   We start off by talking about his recent move, corona virus, and how he’s been dealing with it on a personal level. We also touch on how important longevity becomes as you grow in the sport, fucking up, staying alive through meet prep, trying to learn from mistakes, as well as his mindset on training and how it’s changed over the years. This is definitely an episode you can learn from if you chose to.   The Ritual Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, and Ritualapparel.co   YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/RitualApparel   Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ritualapparel   Mailing List and Website https://ritualapparel.co/   #SBTR