Liberty Cap Talk Live: The Special Edition Show

Episode 14: Mom Facing Nine Years in Prison for Sleeping With Her Teen Son, L. Neil Smith, BP, Etc.



In this fourteenth episode, Todd and his panelists LewRockwell.comcolumnist, blogger, law expert, and Frostburg State University economics professor Bill L. Anderson, voluntaryist/left-market anarchist, Free Dissent blogger, and Benjamin Ricketson Tucker Institute Senior Fellow Nick Ford, and libertarian/propertarian Jim Davidson discussed a Michigan mom being sentenced to nine to 30 years for having sex with her 14-year-old biological son, not-so-libertarian sci-fi author L. Neil Smith's war with Ian Freeman, Free Talk Live, and the newly-formed Shire Society over his intellectual property, BP's oil cap leaking, Arizona groups readying to go to court over the state's recently-passed S.B. 1070 law, Arizona Governor Janet Brewer sending Arizona's stimulus money to the border to fight "illegal immigration," Obama praising Elena Kagan's "bi-partisan" confirmation, and Prince declaring the Internet "over."[*Special Note: LCTL:SpecialEdition, which was originally canceled on Friday, is no longer officially cancele