This is Liberty Cap Talk Live with Todd Andrew Barnett: The Special Edition Show. This is a special edition of LCTL, where Liberty Cap Talk Live's free marketeer/voluntaryist talk radio show host Todd Andrew Barnett talks about cultural, social, and economic issues from a pro-freedom perspective. The show will feature roundtable guests and discussions of topics of mutual interests.Call-In Number: 347.326.9920
Episode 18: LNC Member Norm Olsen's Email Rant, Christine O'Donnell, Medal of Honor Uproar, Etc.
03/10/2010 Duration: 02h59sIn the eighth episode (and season finale), Todd and his guest panelists libertarian/pundit, commentator, and Individual Sovereign University founder Jim Davidson, PFP Movement Radio co-host and pro-Liberty activist Mike Shanklin, and Libertarian Party activist Mike Seebeck discussed LNC Region 4 Representative Norm Olsen's angry email rant about gays in which he calls them "sexually oriented special interest groups," conservative GOP senatorial hopeful Christine O'Donnell and her comments on Witchcraft (which she made on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect" years ago) and masturbation, Wiccan groups being upset with O'Donnell's statements, progressives rallying in Washington, D.C. in response to Glenn Beck's Tea Party rally last month, video game maker Electronic Arts pulling Taliban from their game Medal of Honor after being under fire by the U.S. military and friends and families of fallen U.S. troops, a gay Rutger University teen commits suicide by jumping off a bridge after his two roommates secretly vide
Special Episode: A 60-Minute Interview with PuZzLeD's Brooke Kelley
15/09/2010 Duration: 01h01minIn this special episode, Todd interviewed PuZzLeD reality TV star Brooke Kelley a.k.a. The Truth Fairy for 60 minutes to discuss her involvement with the DC We Are Change event on September 11, 2010, NYPD's refusal to issue permits to We Are Change protesters for a megaphone, her recent move to New Hampshire under the Free State Project, her message to Ernie Hancock on Facebook about We Are Change in New York, her recent encounter with internationally-known adult film legend Ron Jeremy, pro-Liberty film and music projects in the movement, her upcoming website and other projects, and why she believes that the Ron Paul Revolution is dead and will not come back.[Note: This is a great hour-long interview that we've had, even though we've only had one caller who asked Brooke Kelley a question. Other than that, the show was quite exciting. Brooke is a trooper on the air, and it was a pleasure having her with me today.]
Episode 17: 9/11, Palin and Beck 9/11 Even Drawing Controversy, Iraq, The Park51 Controversy, Etc.
12/09/2010 Duration: 02h47sIn the seventeenth episode, Todd and his panelists left-libertarian/anarchist Scott Ferrie, his girlfriend and left-libertarian/mutualist Melinda Foshat, and Republican Liberty Caucus Treasurer Bill Westmiller discussed the 9th anniversary of 9/11 and the aftermath that followed, Time Magazine wonders whether Al Qaeda threat was overrated, the Ron Paul Revolution allegedly dead, Palin and Beck's 9/11 event drawing controversy, Obama declaring that "combat operations in Iraq are over," the never-ending Park51 (formerly the Cordoba Initiative) continues, Florida pastor who planned to burn a Koran on September 11th cancels it, Obama defending economic initiatives, etc.[Note: Halina Brooke Reed was supposed to call into the show tonight but, according to what she told me on Facebook, her cell was charging and she couldn't call in because it looked like it wasn't charging. My Internet connection during the broadcast was choppy, creating problems for my discussions with me, Scott, and Melinda. Scott and Melinda wer
Episode 16: U.S. District Court Overturns California's Proposition 8, The ADL, Teen Breasts, Etc.
08/08/2010 Duration: 02h29sIn the sixteenth episode, Todd and his guest panelists left-libertarian/liberty activist, Libertarian Party member/activist, and The Voice of Radical Dissent talk radio show host Corey "Cizzle" Moore, libertarian propertarian and former Boston Tea Party chairman Jim Davidson, and libertarian activist and saxophonistEric Fontaine discussed Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker issuing an overturn of California's highly-controversial and highly-challenged voter-approved Proposition 8 (the infamous gay marriage ban), the Anti-Defamation League opposing a proposed mosque and community center christened the Cordoba Initiative being built in an Islamic community near New York City's Ground Zero on the grounds of location and sensitivity, Dr. Leonard Peikoff wanting the U.S. federal government to bomb the Cordoba Initiative, a Sarasota, Florida man charged with taking pics of a 15-year-old female's breasts, Free Talk Live's Ian Freeman arrested for showing up to the Keene City Council to engage in a "city council
Episode 15: A 46-Minute Interview with John Bush, Arizona's S.B. 1070 Partially Struck Down, Etc.
01/08/2010 Duration: 02h55sIn the fifteenth episode, Todd and his panelists left-libertarian/agorist/voluntaryist Michael J. Nass, pro-liberty/civil disobedience activist Rene McMasters, and PFPMovement Radio's Anarchy Time co-host and fellow left-libertarian Tom Ender discussed Arizona's S.B. 1070 being partly struck down by a federal judge before going into effect, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer promising to take the federal ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, the conservatives versus the progressives on the Arizona law, U.S. soldier Private Bradley Manning being charged with release of the Wikileaks' video, the hypocrisy of congresscritters getting hot and bothered over the Congressman Charlie Rangel scandal, residents of Bell, California outraged by the salaries of its city's top officials, and Congressman Anythony Weiner (D-NY) goes into a tirade over the Republicans' "No" vote on the 9/11 health care bill.Todd and his guest panel brought Texas for Accountable Government's John Bush on from 11:30 p.m. EST to midnight EST for a 46-minut
Episode 14: Mom Facing Nine Years in Prison for Sleeping With Her Teen Son, L. Neil Smith, BP, Etc.
25/07/2010 Duration: 02h16sIn this fourteenth episode, Todd and his panelists LewRockwell.comcolumnist, blogger, law expert, and Frostburg State University economics professor Bill L. Anderson, voluntaryist/left-market anarchist, Free Dissent blogger, and Benjamin Ricketson Tucker Institute Senior Fellow Nick Ford, and libertarian/propertarian Jim Davidson discussed a Michigan mom being sentenced to nine to 30 years for having sex with her 14-year-old biological son, not-so-libertarian sci-fi author L. Neil Smith's war with Ian Freeman, Free Talk Live, and the newly-formed Shire Society over his intellectual property, BP's oil cap leaking, Arizona groups readying to go to court over the state's recently-passed S.B. 1070 law, Arizona Governor Janet Brewer sending Arizona's stimulus money to the border to fight "illegal immigration," Obama praising Elena Kagan's "bi-partisan" confirmation, and Prince declaring the Internet "over."[*Special Note: LCTL:SpecialEdition, which was originally canceled on Friday, is no longer officially cancele
Special Episode: A 60-Minute Interview with Republican Congressional Candidate Delia Lopez
13/07/2010 Duration: 01h01minIn this special 60-minute episode of Liberty Cap Talk Live: The Special Edition Show, Todd interviewed conservative constitutional Republican and congressional candidate Delia Lopez of Oregon on her campaign, her platform, her positions on issues such as immigration, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, spending, taxes, the War on Drugs, and the economy.[Special Show Note: This is a clean-version of the episode airing today at 3 p.m. EST.][Note: Delia was a good sport. I enjoyed having her on the show today. I hope to have her on the air with me again to discuss her campaign further.]
Episode 13: RNC Chairman Michael Steele's Controversial Statement on Afghanistan, Porcfest, Etc.
11/07/2010 Duration: 02h24sIn the thirteenth episode, Todd and his panelists former Boston Tea Party of California Chair Joy Waymire, and pro-liberty activist/pundit Xaq Fiqq discussed RNC Chairman Michael Steele's factually-correct statement on our War in Afghanistan and his subsequent backpedaling after being excoriated by mostly Republicans and a number of Democrats, Ron Paul's public defense of Steele's comments on CNN, Rene's trip to Porcfest and the events that took place there, mainstream media saying that Obama is being allegedly "anti-business," the G20 protests in Toronto (including a group of protesters who employed violence by destroying cop cars and engaging in riots), a mom who was arrested because her 14-year-old son made dry ice bombs, BART cop in California found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, Mel Gibson spewing his explosive racist and sexist rant at his ex-girlfriend, etc.[Note:Rene McMasters wasn't able to do the show tonight because she was sick, which is okay. Joy almost backed out, and I didn't think she was
Episode 12: Seattle Cop Punches Teen, Boston Tea Party Controversy, Gen. McChrystal, Etc.
27/06/2010 Duration: 02h24sIn the twelfth episode, Todd and his panelists libertarian activist and pundit Jason Jewell, left-libertarian/agorist and co-host of Anarchy Time Tom Ender, and Peace, Freedom, and MovementRadio and Boston Tea Party At-Large Member candidate Michael Shanklin discussed Seattle Cop Ian Walsh who punches 19-year-old Marilyn Levias after she shoves him for trying to arrest her 17-year-old friend Angel Rosenthal on the non-violent crime of "jaywalking," Levias later apologizing to Officer Walsh and he accepted her apology, the public's shameful condemnation of Levias's action against Walsh, Obama accepted General McChrystal's resignation from his post in Afghanistan after he publicly questioned the administration's role in the country, Mike Shanklin running for the Boston Tea Party's At-Large seat on the National Committee in the wake of controversy stirred up by the Party's founder Tom Knapp and former At-Large member and current candidate Neil Kiernan Stephenson, Obama preparing to challenge Arizona's immigrati
Episode 11: Libertarian National Convention, BP, Corey Moore and Wayne Allyn Root, Etc.
13/06/2010 Duration: 02h16sIn the eleventh episode (and second season opener), Todd and his panelists anarchist/individualist bloggerJessica Geary and former Boston Tea Party chairman and libertarian/propertarian Jim Davidson discussed the events that took place at Libertarian National Convention in St. Louis, the LNC National Committee election, an altercation between the American Open Currency Standard (AOCS) and libertarian/propertarian Jim Davidson, Wayne Allyn Root's stooges and LNC political hacks threatening talk radio show host Corey Moore because of his LP convention news coverage, the BTP convention highlights including the appeal of the membership against the run-off At-Large election, and the BP oil spill and the media fall-out that followed.[Note: Jason Jewell and David F. Nolan did not show up for tonight's show so there were only two panelists in lieu of four. Topics such as Arizona's S.B. 1070 law, Elena Kagan's position on religious freedom and immigration, and Obama's $30 billion jobs bill were not covered, but that's