Ritual Podcast

E-134: PMA & Deserving Your Future



On this week’s podcast episode we jump right in, talking about heavy breathing,  proper drive-thru etiquette and sharing our drive-thru pet peeves, and being the best you can be at whatever it is you’re currently doing.    We dig into some of the misconceptions of PMA, along with how difficult it is for so many people to feel like they deserve to be happy and/or successful. It’s crucial for us all to practice finding balance in being able to acknowledge our own worth.    The Ritual Podcast is available on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and Ritualapparel.co    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/RitualApparel   Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ritualapparel   Mailing List and Website https://ritualapparel.co/   #SBTR