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Another Death By COVID (3:39) Dennis "Solo" McKeithan



Dennis McKethan, SCI phoenix in Pennsylvania. "Another Death by COVID." The day I learned that another friend from childhood who was imprisoned at SCI Phoenix has died from COVID. His name was Bruce Knaus. He was about 70 years old and a good human being. He had made commutation and was only waiting for Governor Wolf to sign a paper so he could leave. There are several prisoners who have made computation months ago, but still waiting on the governor to sign the papers. After over 40 something odd years, Bruce died while waiting to go home. He died from COVID. Pennsylvania talks a good talk, but they are not letting any state prisoners out due to COVID. Most elderly prisoners are in the state prison, not the county. And if you say it is limited to nonviolent offenders, then that would exclude all the elderly prisoners in the state prisons who have been in prison over 20 years. Because even if no violence happened in their crime, meaning no injury, the time itself under law is labeled violent. So a drug dealer