Prison Radio records and broadcasts the voices of prisoners, centering their analyses and experiences in the movements against mass incarceration and state repression.
Gun Violence Against Children (7:00) Izell Robinson
24/05/2021 Duration: 07minGun Violence Against Children (7:00) Izell Robinson
Theory Without Action is Useless (6:00) Peter Mukuria
24/05/2021 Duration: 06minTheory Without Action is Useless (6:00) Peter Mukuria
City Of Bones (2:05) Mumia Abu-Jamal
19/05/2021 Duration: 02minCity Of Bones (2:05) Mumia Abu-Jamal
An Innocent Man (4:53) Izell Robinson
18/05/2021 Duration: 04minAn Innocent Man (4:53) Izell Robinson
Litigation Against PADOC (2:09) Derrick Gibson
17/05/2021 Duration: 02minLitigation Against PADOC (2:09) Derrick Gibson
Mental Health Awareness Month (13:15) Izell Robinson
17/05/2021 Duration: 13minHi, I'm Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 210006, an innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice, fighting to be heard and to affect positive change. Yet to accomplish success, I need you to listeners to hear me and act, so I'm only asking if I can be heard and count on you to act. Therefore, in recognition of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I believe it's important to acknowledge the negative impact confinement burdens on one's mind state. As an inmate, I've experienced sporadic battles with depression, emotional anxiety, and traumatic stresses that often went ignored or untreated, leaving me with elevated blood pressure and reoccurring feelings of hopelessness. In my experience and the Minnesota prison system, mental health services is difficult for an inmate to gain access to. Just because an inmate requests to see a mental health advocate doesn't mean they'll see them. And if by chance they do, it can be a week or two before one is seen. And if there's a history of
The State Of Mumia (1:57) Mumia Abu-Jamal
12/05/2021 Duration: 01minI don't usually do this. This is discussing my self. I find it far more interesting to tell the stories of other, the revolving globe on which we dwell and the stories spawn by the fragile human condition and the struggles of humanity for liberation. But I digress, uncomfortably. This commentary is about the commentator. Several weeks ago I underwent a medical procedure known as open heart surgery, a double bypass after it was learned that two vessels beating through my heart has significant blockages that impaired heart function. This impairment was fixed by extremely well trained and young cardiologist who had extensive experience in this intricate surgical procedure. I tell you I had no clue whatsoever that I suffered from such disease. Now to be perfectly honest, I feel fine. Indeed, I feel more energetic than usual! I thank you all, my family and friends, for your love and support. Onwards to freedom with all my heart. - Mumia Abu-Jamal
Shooting in Wichita Kansas (1:27) Bilal Abdul Salam Bey (Charley Hughes)
08/05/2021 Duration: 01minShooting in Wichita Kansas (1:27) Bilal Abdul Salam Bey (Charley Hughes)
Lyrical Verse (2:24) Izell Robinson
05/05/2021 Duration: 02minI am Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 320006, an innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice, fighting to be heard and affect positive change. Yet, to accomplish success, I need you, the listeners, to hear me and act—so I'm only asking if I can be heard and count on you to act While you ponder that question, here's some creative expression to address the plight of social injustices. We lost four black lives to police and the weak, it’s hard to find inner peace When death speak, my head low shake from side to side, could be me and my sons next to die And our complexion aside shouldn't be why, yet police refuse to hear when black doves cry In the state where Prince’s “Purple Rain” turned to bruises and pains Minnesota Nice comes with a price, leaving black life driving so insane when they choke or shoot and your skin make them scared of you Who would ever knew complexion get you killed, have your body left killed, image of you lying still, body camera, cell phone paint the pictu
J&J Resumes at PADOC (3:39) Derrick Gibson
04/05/2021 Duration: 03minJ&J Resumes at PADOC (3:39) Derrick Gibson
Berlin Revolutionary Mayday (1:46) Mumia Abu-Jamal
03/05/2021 Duration: 01minBerlin Revolutionary Mayday (1:46) Mumia Abu-Jamal
Now Or Never Pt 1 (5:03) Izell Robinson
30/04/2021 Duration: 05minNow Or Never Pt 1 (5:03) Izell Robinson
Now or Never Pt. 2 (5:09) Izell Robinson
30/04/2021 Duration: 05minNow or Never Pt. 2 (5:09) Izell Robinson
What We Want (2:56) Bilal Abdul Salem-Bey (Charley Hughes)
26/04/2021 Duration: 02minThis is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey, also known as Charley Hughes, uh, inmate at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson Correctional, Kansas. This piece is called "What We Want." Well, first part of the 10 point program for the NABBP. Number one: we want power to determine the destiny of New Afrikan communities. Two: we want full employment for all our- all our people. Three: we demand housing fit for the shelter of human beings. Four: we want New Afrikan men exempted from military service. Five: we demand decent education for New African people, an education that teaches the truth about this jaded, racist society and teach New Afrikan children their rightful place in society. Six: we want an end for the robbery of New Afrikan people in their own communities by white business interests. Seven: we demand the end to police brutality and the murder of New Afrikan people in America. Eight: we demand the release of all New Afrikan men and women held in city, county, state, and federal jail and prisons. Nine:
I Knew You (1:21) Spoon Jackson
23/04/2021 Duration: 01minBecause I knew you. Before you were one word like Ali, Elvis, or Madonna, I knew you way back when the land was still icey and the wind was still heavy with dragons and other huge beasts. I knew you when you cared as much for people as you do your dogs. I knew you when you walked barefoot to the general store. I knew you before you can shin reporters inside prison to do dirty stories. I knew you before you gave away cars and trips to New Zealand for tax write-offs. I knew you before you could summon dkes and duchesses to your side. I knew you before you gave an audience to two white brothers that buried a busload of kids, lived a safe life prison, and your intention helped forge their release. I knew you before you hated on this brother who had a wife and also life without parole. I knew you before whatever that black man did to hurt you, I knew he was wrong. I knew you'd before time immortal. I knew you before you walked on water and danced on the moon. These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.
Karma Death (1:03) Spoon Jackson
23/04/2021 Duration: 01minOkay, "Karma Death." What does it all mean, this life in my karma death? The [inaudible] last night, must have been like a bomb, so loud it was silent. Everyone ran but me. I heard later the whole wall could have shattered. I stood there, watching the panic, rolling a cigarette. It didn't matter. It was my karma death. Why aren't you writing? I have nothing to write, nothing to say. Over ten years of this life has been wasted. My karma death. I want to tell someone, some lady, I love her—not to get sex, but just because I do. No reasons, no conditions, for there is just being and natural love. My karma death. I came here today to perhaps share a few tears together, a poem or two, but it didn't work out, so I just walked away towards my karma death. These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.
Arraingment (1:31) Derrick Gibson
23/04/2021 Duration: 01minMy name is Derrick Gibson, and I am a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. And on April 15, 2021, I was arraigned on criminal charges of aggravated harassment by a prisoner in Schulykill County for allegedly regurgitating vomit on a correctional officer at SCI Mahanoy. After being strapped into a restraint chair with a face mask on and having OC sprayed directly up into my nostril, eyes, face, and all over the cell walls in an attempt to suffocate me, my head was tilted back during the whole process and a white hood was pulled over in my head all while being video recorded. This is the clear cover-up and obstruction of justice by the prison and law enforcement. I am now in need of legal representation assistance in exposing this injustice as black lives matter, and I can't breathe. In solidarity, Derek Gibson, prisoner and author. I can be reached at Smart Communications/PADOC, SCI Phoenix, Derrick Gibson, JP2190, P.O. BOX 33028, St. Petersburg, FL 33733, or T