Prison Radio Audio Feed

I Knew You (1:21) Spoon Jackson



Because I knew you. Before you were one word like Ali, Elvis, or Madonna, I knew you way back when the land was still icey and the wind was still heavy with dragons and other huge beasts. I knew you when you cared as much for people as you do your dogs. I knew you when you walked barefoot to the general store. I knew you before you can shin reporters inside prison to do dirty stories. I knew you before you gave away cars and trips to New Zealand for tax write-offs. I knew you before you could summon dkes and duchesses to your side. I knew you before you gave an audience to two white brothers that buried a busload of kids, lived a safe life prison, and your intention helped forge their release. I knew you before you hated on this brother who had a wife and also life without parole. I knew you before whatever that black man did to hurt you, I knew he was wrong. I knew you'd before time immortal. I knew you before you walked on water and danced on the moon. These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.