Prison Radio Audio Feed

Resolutions for Kansas Part 2 & 3 (4:25) Billal Bey (Charlie Hughes)



This is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey also known as Charley Hughes, number 96576, inmate at Hudson Correctional Facility here in Hudson, Kansas. As you all know, this piece is about resolutions being passed here in Kansas through the Free Kansas movement. This is second part to the first resolution. This part will be on economic development. Number one: to force full employment for all people. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement will build businesses in our communities to ensure that our residents who are able and willing to work will have full employment. Be it finally resolved that the Free Kansas movement will provide workforce centers to give our residents training and work skills so they can perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Number two: supports the building of institutions that benefit the community. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement pushes for the building of institutions that will benefit the residents and not the government. Be it finally resolved that