Prison Radio Audio Feed

Misinformation, Lies, and Conspiracy Theory (6:22) Peter Mukuria



Comrade Pitt, Peter Kamau Mukuria, calling in from Red Onion State Prison. This one is titled "Misinformation, Lies, and Conspiracy Theories and Making a Right-Wing Extremist." I be there. It'll be wild. Quote, unquote, you'll never take our country back with weakness. You have to be strong, quote, unquote, fight like hell, quote, unquote, these inflaming rhetorics weren't hyperbolic in nature but rather designed to incite a mob. These were words tweeted out about President Trump prior to and during the January 6th, 2021 rally: a day which will forever be marked by history as the day of sitting president incited his base to storm and seize the U.S. Capitol building. This act, which has been described as a failed coup d'etat, aimed at the heart of the symbolic American democracy was ironically committed by a political party or rather a cult which claims to be the party of quote, unquote law and order. An unprecedented attack of the nation's Capitol was the first in history which the country's own citizens seiz