Prison Radio Audio Feed

Do What You Must (6:19) Sergio Hyland



Hey everybody, it's Uptown Serg. And I just want to start by thanking everybody for all of the love and support that you were sending my way as I sat in the prison infirmary suffering from COVID-19. It was an experience that I'm grateful to have survived. Also, it was and continues to be an experience that has worked to sharpen my perspective on what prisoners are really up against on the inside. So I'm still recovering physically. COVID-19 has left me with many invisible scars as I had no choice, but to sit back and watch several of my elders die in a prison cell or an infirmary bed or in a hospital room. Often compare life in prison to life in the ghetto, in both cases, we wake up knowing that today could be our last on Earth. It's a sad conclusion to accept, but accept it, we do. Especially because we'd likely believe that death is inevitable and it's the same in prison, but what's unacceptable is when we face a certain death on the inside, knowing that it was preventable, that's what's taking place inside