Prison Radio Audio Feed

Report From SCI Chester (3:11) Eric Riddick



This is Eric Riddick calling from SCI Chester. How did we go from no cases in one week, to hundreds of cases? And people die. A guy named Ponzel is on life support right now. Our Lieutenant at work here named Quintina. He died for four minutes and they brought him back. He got to learn how to talk and all that. His officers is upset because they was wondering why would you bring people from different jails to this institution? Then like Dennis McElhoe who  is diagnosed with cancer. Again, he had sugar, diabetes, high blood pressure, every other element he frail, he can't even walk up and down the steps he's over here. Boy, his boy, he got, he got a pacemaker. He can't even walk five steps without his chest hurting. You have high blood pressure on and on. And Jeffrey Johnson. James Kennedy,  Jane Santis, Mike  and multiple other elders over here and have underlined the issues before the pandemic kick up here. We didn't have no cases, especially on CP. And if you look at what change. A policy was violated, when