Prison Radio Audio Feed

Report From SCI Chester Full Version (13:44) Eric Riddick



Call Operator: This is Eric Riddick calling from SCI Chester. Eric: We in the midst of a pandemic where everything is being shut down again because of the holidays. You know, a wave have came through, here at SCI Chester. You already- people had already passed away. But the thing is to mitigate the death and destruction that comes with a pandemic, this pandemic. A competent policy is supposed to be put in place regarding social distancing. When it's- when it's at a height that it's at right now because of the holidays, everything is shut down. Here at SCI Chester, they said that only four cells can be, you know, these cohorts can't go outside of that. But they making moves not considering the health of the elders. Today, they are today, they moving 15 to 20 people on this particular block. The same block that, last month, the last two months. That the pandemic in here started when every cell damn near had a COVID, right. But what make this so essential to get on down is that this block is where all the elders