Prison Radio Audio Feed

Constitution Of The Black Man (2:50) Bilal Bay (Charlie Hughes)



My name is Charlie Hughes, also known as Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey. I am a inmate at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility here in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called "The Constitution of the Black Man," and it is about the constitution. "The Constitution of the Black Man." Number one: he must be spiritual and fo-and focused more on that which is universal in religious ideology, rather than the political beliefs that separate us. Number two: Black men must have a social, political, economical, and historical base of knowledge. Social, able to interact with Black people and understand why we do the things we do, drugs, pimp, gang bang, et cetera. Political, understanding the importance of people's relations with each other. Economical, understand the worth of money as well as create jobs in the environment, banks, stores, schools, et cetera. Historical, must have knowledge of the past and learn and grow from it. Number three: with that base of knowledge, he must be able to produce for his nation, civilization,